View Full Version : FAA holder license with 250H

3rd Apr 2015, 22:02
i'am an FAA holder license with 250H and i really don't know what i need to do exactly to find job , i need some advices .

5th Apr 2015, 01:10
Well Tunisia aren't in EASA, yet, so you're in luck. You need to check with your CAA/DGCA to find out the procedures for conversion of qualifications. Unless there's been significant lobbying by any local schools, it should be a fairly straightforward and inexpensive process. That's the good news. The bad news is that 250 hours doesn't stand out so well on a CV these days and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find low hour jobs anywhere in the world, and even if you do find them, to get over the paperwork hurdle to work anywhere. From time to time, airlines do take on low hour people when they're experiencing a shortage, so make sure you check with all your local operators. I wish you luck.

5th Apr 2015, 11:13
I assume when you say FAA holder you mean fixed wing? And then you mean CPL Holder and that you also have a multi rating? And an IR?

If you have then my first question is why do you have that? What reasearch or sales pitch told you that's the way to a career in (An airline?) as I assume that's what your wanting?

I also initially got an FAA CPL MULTI IR. I then got an instructors rating and then I converted to a UK ATPL(Frozen) and got a job with Ryanair.

Sure there are other avenues with just an FAA licence but without knowing a bit more about your situation it will hold a lot of info back from people.

Q: What exactly do you have and why do you have it?

6th Apr 2015, 18:49
yes sir i have cpl multiengine and IR i have also an frozen ATPL , the point is tunisia dont recognize the faa licence anymore and we can not convert it :(
i have only 2 option i think : may be i will go back to the united states to do CFI CFII MEA or i will try to go to canda and try to find something there , i also heard about the MPL licence ( i dont have any idea about it , and if i will do it, it will work for me or not )

i want to thank all of you for your help :)

6th Apr 2015, 19:22
hi everyone
i have a cpl multiengine IR FAA licence + a frozen ATPL , the point is that the FAA licence is not recognized by the tunisian authority ( i know its sad :( )
maybe i will try the instruction course CFI CFII MEA in the united states or in canada , waht do you think guys ??

7th Apr 2015, 23:08
Hmmm. You say you have a frozen ATPL, but that's EASA language, meaning a commercial licence with all the ATP theory exams passed, in FAA land they don't use that misleading term, they just call it what it is, a commercial pilot certificate.

I'm sorry to hear Tunisia don't accept it anymore, they must have shifted to the EASA way of doing things recently. Whatever you do, don't waste your money on instructor ratings if you can't work in the US or Canada, it's bad enough having pilots certs you can't use. The schools will be happy to take your money one way or another.

You would be better off using it to build hours and go to Botswana or Namibia as 500 hours is the absolute minimum now for those places.

8th Apr 2015, 10:27
i did my ATPL int tunisia than i went to the united state to do the training ( flight hours ).
why instruction is bad ?
how can i build hours and go to bostwana or namibya ? what steps i need i need to follow ? i need to contact hwo ?

10th Apr 2015, 13:52
Dude, you should have thought of this situation before joining the US flight school. You have a joined a long long very long list of unemployed pilots. Some of them will have even better qualifications than you. Here in India, there are close to 10,000 unemployed pilots! :ugh:
Don't worry. I know you were bitten by flying bug!

Now, you got 3 options:
(1) If you got money, go buy yourself a used plane (you can get C150/C152 for $25k~$30k) and start a business! This will be better than PAY2FLY programs which :mad: our industry!
Don't waste your money in P2F programs! Some of them may cost you in neighbor of $100k.
(2) Go find a job at airport in ticketing area or dispatchers area and just hope till vacancies come over.
(3) Do timebuilding for like another 250-500 hours, then maybe you'll get a job somewhere. Make a smart decision!

16th Apr 2015, 16:21
I think you guys are being trolled. Nobody can seriously be that clueless. Also you can't do the ATPL written exams without a minimum of a PPL. FAA is an ICAO license which can be converted.