View Full Version : ATPL ground courses or distance learning

3rd Apr 2015, 12:40
Hi guys,

I've looked for a similar subject on any website for days but I didn't find anything.
I'm following a modular cursus to become an airline pilot and it's now time for the ATPL theory.
My question is simple :
What an airliner would prefer between two students with the same CV with the only difference of ATPL distance learning for one and ground courses for the other ?

Say that the ATPL is at the same school for the two of them.
Considering that the students were not forced by a job or by the money to choose.

The second question is :
In the case of you think the airliner would really prefer one (I guess ground courses), do you think the difference of cost worth it? Basically the price of the school, exams and an accomodation for 7 months, say £8.500, or £3.000 for a typical distance learning with exams fees.

That is really a big question for me right now because it represents a lot of money and the only thing which could help me to choose is all your advices or remarks.

Thank you :)

3rd Apr 2015, 20:55
Distance learning or residential ground school does not make any difference.
Distance learning and use the money spared for a good MCC&JOC course at the end of your training.

3rd Apr 2015, 22:05
It seems to me that the distance learning could prevent from meetings, making contacts and so to bring chance or opportunities to find something at the end. Am I wrong ?

I have to add that in my case, the ground courses will provide me a good knowledge of english, because that's not my first language.

4th Apr 2015, 01:09
What an airliner would prefer between two students with the same CV with the only difference of ATPL distance learning for one and ground courses for the other?Doesn't really matter, in the end you'll be issued a CPL (Commercial Pilot License) like any other pilot who successfully finished flight training, it won't be stated on your license if you did it via distance learning or full time. What matters to the airlines is that you can safely fly an airplane from A to B.

Regarding your second question, distance learning (DL) or full time course. Well, in terms of money DL is less expensive and a very appealing choice to many peolpe, but it is certainly not the "easiest" way. DL requires a high degree of determination, discipline and motivation and you must certainly be an autodidact = lone warrior! It must be clearly said, that this form of studying is not suited for everyone. I did a DL course myself and I must say keeping up the motivation over a prolonged time, turned out to be quite a challenge! Personally I would never do a DL course again!

Certainly, full time ground school is more expensive as DL, but in my opinion it has many advantages over a DL course. For example, personal introduction and explanation of (difficult) subjects and face-to-face support by ground instructors, class community which is a great contribution to motivation, time schedule/deadlines which must be adhered to (no delays due to lack of motivation as during DL). But the main advantage (in my opinion) is, that it's generally the fastest way to get the extensive ATPL theory out of the way! And in the end time is money, the sooner you are done, the sooner your career can take-off! So, is it worth it? sure!

Good luck :ok:

4th Apr 2015, 09:05
Thank you for sharing this experience ! I've done my PPL with a distance learning (I know it's not very usual but it was a kind of dispense because of the studies I've done before) and even if the quantity is nothing compared to the ATPL, I found myself many times very very later in the planning that I had first expected. I finally did it but I can understand that the distance learning is not the easiest way and takes more time.