View Full Version : Orkney remembers Operation CARPETBAGGER incident

31st Mar 2015, 09:32
BBC Radio Orkney reporting that

Today marks the 70th anniversary since a B24 Liberator Aircraft plunged in to a field at Walliwall in St Ola, killing all but one of the fourteen men on board.
The plane was part of the 492nd Bombardment Group 865th Squadron based at Harrington in Norfolk. The seven crew were American while the remainder were members of the Norwegian Special Forces. They had been part of the top secret US Army Airforce mission - operation Carpetbagger - and were returning from a scrubbed mission over Norway when the tragedy occurred. The sole survivor was the co-pilot who escaped with minor injuries.
Today there will be a short memorial service near the site at 11am. It's being organised by the Honorary Consul for Norway in Orkney, Leslie Burgher.
This is a prelude to the erection of a permanent memorial to mark the event as part of the current housing development nearby. Members of one of the Norwegian families will visit from 23rd - 25th May.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/17119_10205597482328994_5610024053104171804_n.jpg?oh=af83b9a 779e999dbd7c315a1d4909c30&oe=55A3EF00&__gda__=1436408637_7ec135c5bcac47414ffb99f8e13456d7

ROC man
13th Apr 2015, 20:48
Harrington is Northamptonshire and the former airfield is home to the small but excellent Carpetbaggers Aviation Museum index (http://harringtonmuseum.org.uk/) . There is also an old Thor site on the airfield but there is no public access to this.