View Full Version : IACO CPL conversion to JAA CPL

21st Jul 2001, 21:05
I am trying to gather information on the conversion of a foreign CPL to a JAA CPL. Facts seem few and far between in this area.

Lets say I do a CPL in Australia and come home with 250hrs total. Would I be exempt from the full 25hr JAA CPL module? Am I right in thinking that only sufficient training is needed to pass the 170A and the GFT. Of course I am aware that the JAA theory will need to be passed as well.

My other querie is this, is the CPL on a single less common than a CPL done on a multi. If I am heading comercial is this a good time to go multi or does it just makes things unnecessarily complicated?

Finally, if anyone has done this conversion to JAA or knows about it, I would be very gratefull for some info.


21st Jul 2001, 21:42
You're correct about the exemption from the approved course (except there's no 170A flight required for the CPL). People tend to be combining the CPL + Multi course (28 hours) as opposed to doing the 25 hour course. If you're going straight on to do your IR then it's definately worth doing them together.

21st Jul 2001, 22:44
... & it will save U money too as U won't have to do an additional test for the Multi rating... all of this provided the JAA regs for ICAO CPL conversion don't change in the meantime (as they did for ICAO IR conversion in February).