View Full Version : Air Mauritius CEO Andre Viljoen Missing.

Voyager B.D
30th Mar 2015, 13:38
Andre Viljoen has allegedly not resumed work on following his leave period. Three other personnel from the higher management have been suspended pending an internal company audit.

Andre Viljoen is involved in numerous multi-million deals with Air Mauritius: Purchase of brand new A350s, contracting management work to Lufthansa etc. Some have appreciated his tenure although many think that he has never brought any idea/change himself as CEO but paying 5 times more the price to Contractors like Lufthansa to do the job for him.

His departure from SAA to come into MK as Financial Director was already seen as shady business.

four engine jock
31st Mar 2015, 12:58
He took all the money and ran!!!!
living next door to Colman Andrews

Long Range Flyer
16th Apr 2015, 08:19
The scandals of the last minute A350 purchase before the elections is under investigation. The new government is already having information of the corrupt and unfair decisions the board and CEO took to approve the deal. Seems money and commissions are involved under the table. Heads should come down.
Also, the Lufthansa consultancies for outsourcing local pilot recruitment is highly questionable. Complaints made by Mauritian pilots were made to the EOC (Equal Opportunity Commission) and the previous government managed to delay the issue. Now, things are coming out and there will be consequences.
Air Mauritius is still a biased institution when it comes to fair and equal opportunities for employment of crew.
There are rumors that the actual CEO is having a secret hiring company to recruit pilots, mostly foreign first officers. There are rumors that commissions are paid to him for each new recruit coming to the airline.
The figures speak for themselves when expat and local recruitment are verified. Local pilots are soon making a move to denounce this unfair practice.
If he is now doing a no show, it's not new considering the scandals coming up.

17th May 2015, 15:25
Just read on the internet that the CEO of Air Mauritius has been sacked indirectly. Anyone has any latest on this? Will the flight opeartions mafia be also be sacked?Looks like the DFO having problems to contain the mafia?

14th Jun 2015, 17:48
I see on the website under vacancies they are looking for a CEO. No other vacancies though

24th Jun 2015, 02:35
Andre Viljoen has just been appointed MD/CEO of Fiji Airways.

24th Jun 2015, 06:04
Seems he is heading up Fiji Airways, according to the local papers

25th Jun 2015, 18:59
Now Fiji Airways is on the right path for bankcruptcy. Jamais deux sans trois.

29th Jul 2015, 18:37
On the local Media today:

MK: les allégations d?abus lors des recrutements et promotions passées à la loupe | lexpress.mu (http://www.lexpress.mu/article/266353/mk-allegations-dabus-lors-recrutements-et-promotions-passees-loupe)

We all know that Lufthansa Consulting Saga was just an eye wash. The selection made by Mk was a bias process. My word! Worth to check the name of whose kids on the list :E..

6th Aug 2015, 20:07
On local newspaper today:
MK accusée de favoriser des pilotes sud-africains: l?EOC sollicitée | lexpress.mu (http://www.lexpress.mu/article/266849/mk-accusee-favoriser-pilotes-sud-africains-leoc-sollicitee)

Under the new government, rumors circulating that flight ops mafia and Head of HR might be at risk..Bunch of corrupted idiots..