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12th Jun 2001, 08:29
I seem to remember that there was a topic about how useful playing musical instruments would be. There was quite a few replies. So any of you still playing and want to form a band, purely for laughs. How about playing aviation titled/related tunes? Any thoughts?


Luke SkyToddler
12th Jun 2001, 10:56
Cool! We could do THAT Pink Floyd song ... (well someone had to say it didn't they?)

(Actually even more relevant would be 'money' ... Pink Floyd must have been wannabe's themselves once upon a time) :rolleyes:

I'm up for any kind of musical thing, I don't suppose there's that many wannabe's in Scotland though?

Vicious Squirrel
12th Jun 2001, 12:50
Hi there Rex,

Were you at the Gatbash this weekend? It was practically brimming over with ex professional (or semi at least) musicians! Hammond experts, classically trained pianists, drummers (well drummer, that's me) and some guy called Bruce who seemed to know a thing or two about vocals! ;)

I heard a mention of a possible jam session or two at the next bash?...............


12th Jun 2001, 15:28
Hey Vicious, you forgot pianists who also play a little rock guitar!

Good to meet you at the Bash...see you at the next one, suitable tooled up!


12th Jun 2001, 15:35
We could cover 10cc "I'm Mandy Fly Me" ...?

Vicious Squirrel
12th Jun 2001, 16:51
Hey VTOL, you got yourself a drummer if we can sort out the rest! Where's Sick Squid at? His Hammond skills (well actually his entire band) would be the next step to the ultimate Gatbash rock/blues jam!!!

I read somewhere that some of you guys went out flying on Sunday? Bejeesus, I presume that was instrument rules then, considering that after the bash I was having a job focusing on anything more than three feet from my face!

Great to meet you, if you're ever popping by White Waltham/Wycombe/Elstree or anywhere West or North Londonish, let me know and I'll meet you for a tinny somewhere!

All the best,

Sick Squid
12th Jun 2001, 17:07
VS, watch this space, mate... we're working something out for the next one, more details nearer the time. It'll be a good one, however, I can guarantee that!


[This message has been edited by Sick Squid (edited 12 June 2001).]

12th Jun 2001, 21:44

Unfortunately I wasn't at the Gatbash. I suppose I should go and bring my guitar, amp, fuzz box and echo box to the next one. It would sure be good to meet some other ppruners.

"Standing on the runway waiting for takeoff....cannot fly 'til emergency brakes off..." Bob Calvert sometime in the 70's.

The guy was either a pilot or space cadet. Perhaps both!

Well is there anybody interested. Sorry but Scotland's a bit far from Kent.


12th Jun 2001, 22:15
Sick Squid

Do you think that Bruce character might might be enticed come and do a bit of a singalong too? He used to be in a band, apparently :)


12th Jun 2001, 22:24

What instruments do you play? Another ex-drummer here.......would be a laugh to take it up again.

12th Jun 2001, 22:39
And I could have a quick razz on Squiders Hammond just to show Bashers that jazz need not sound awfull. No, it can sound bloody awfull!! :) :)

We need that Brucey chap down. I suggest we start thinking of suitable PPRuNe-Metal lyrics so we can compose a PPRuNe anthem. May I kick off?

"Bring your aircraft...to the slaughter",
"Crash the f***er"
"In the water"


Ok, I'll stick to the Jimmy Smith stuff then. :)


PS: I was pleasantly surprised on Saturday at the number of pilots/wannabes out there who are into playing music. Lets keep it up!

[This message has been edited by VFE (edited 12 June 2001).]

Rob 747
13th Jun 2001, 01:43
An Ibanez playing rock God here.(Guitarist)
Played guitar for 6 years but never played in a band, so my timig would probably be 'well out'.
But in for a penny, in for a pound thats what i say!!!
E-Mail me if this idea is going to take-off.(soz excuse the pun!)

Sick Squid
13th Jun 2001, 02:03
Pielander/VFE, the chances you refer to are extremely low to non-existent, so all such rumour will be killed in the water as of now! Sorry.

VFE, Back to the Chicken Shack with you! You promised to bring your C3 down to save my old back. You did, I remember it clearly.... PJDJ was there, he'll back me up, especially since I've bribed him!

Anyway, don't get too excited too soon, as we have to sort out licencing/venue stuff first. Like I said, watch this space. House band are already lined up, however, funnily enough! ;)

888500000 Perc 2, Slow, Normal;

[This message has been edited by Sick Squid (edited 12 June 2001).]

13th Jun 2001, 12:14
So this is the plan, a series of £6's well rehearsed porno soundtracks for us all to groove to, I'll clamber up with the Les Paul in one hand and a pint in the other, try and remember the riff to "Smoke on the Water", fail miserably and go back to the bar.

Hmmmm, does seem to be a bit too much like every gig I've ever played :)

Token Bird
13th Jun 2001, 13:24
Even I can play "Smoke On The Water"!


An elapsed guitar-playing TB

13th Jun 2001, 13:30
I guess you dont need a lardyarsed bagpipe player....

13th Jun 2001, 14:06
I dunno Flypuppy...can you play "Smoke on the Water"?!


13th Jun 2001, 15:21
Hahaha!! My Hammond? Nice try Squidders! But I just porned my trailer to pay for my flying!!
The next time my Hammond makes an appearance in public will be when my botty is sat in the right hand seat of a nice shiny jet, earning sheds loads of dosh!
Then, maybe then, I will be able to buy my trailer back from the porn shop at a reasonable £20k!

So if you dislike playing a Peavey Synth Sound-Box Cr@p Machine then the ball's in your court me ole mucker!


I love it when a plan comes together!! :) :)

[This message has been edited by VFE (edited 14 June 2001).]

13th Jun 2001, 16:10
Sorry VFE, as £6 stated, I witnessed you're agreement. I don't recall any part of the conversation turning to how you would get the Hammond there, or back for that matter, just that yours would be available.

Now I remember why I play guitar - Mesa Boogies may weight a ton but at least they fit in the back of the motor :)

13th Jun 2001, 16:10
if you guys are going to play at a bash maybe more money for the pprune fund can be raised by selling earplugs! :) http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif :)

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

13th Jun 2001, 18:41
OK, so my C3 and Leslie it is then, but I wanna see Doctors notes for that back Mr.£6!!

*Light bulb appears above VFEs head*

But this means I can kick off anybody who is better than me! :)


13th Jun 2001, 20:42
'Smoke on the Water' not allowed here.
PS Neither is 'Stairway to Heaven@

14th Jun 2001, 12:13
Right, in that case Doc we'll do:

Sweet Child O Mine
Rock n Roll
The Boys Are Back in Town

14th Jun 2001, 13:11
And then after the interval we'll do:

Walk this Way,
Paradise City,
Enter Sandman,
Word Up.

Large amounts of cheesey rock - it's great!!

14th Jun 2001, 13:35
"Mull of Kintyre" anyone?

14th Jun 2001, 15:09
Hey! Why don't we perform Mussorgskys 'Pictures At An Exhibition' - ELP style....just kiddin'!

'Hanging Around' by The Stranglers would be cool though. Like a bit of punk me. :)