View Full Version : King 90 down close to Punta del Este. 10 dead.

Dimitri Cherchenko
20th Mar 2015, 07:22
An airplane with Argentine plates has crashed after taking off at SULS (airport, near Punta Del Este city in Uruguay).

The aircraft, a "Beechcraft C 90" model that was registered in Argentina under the ID "LV-CEO", carried 10 people on board: eight passengers and two pilots.

Emergency units were working on the area. No further information was revealed.


Argentine plane crashes near Punta del Este - BuenosAiresHerald.com (http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/184775/argentine-plane-crashes-near-punta-del-este)

Se cayó un avión argentino en Punta del Este: hay diez muertos - lanacion.com * (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1777598-se-cayo-un-avion-argentino-en-punta-del-este)

Diez muertos en tragedia aérea | Noticias Uruguay y el Mundo actualizadas - Diario EL PAIS Uruguay (http://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/diez-muertos-tragedia-aerea.html)

Retiran los restos del avión que cayó en la Laguna del Sauce (http://www.elobservador.com.uy/noticia/300855/tragedia-en-laguna-del-sauce-cayo-un-avion-y-murieron-10-personas-no-hay-sobrevivientes/)