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View Full Version : Well done, a positive for Jetstar

Madame Bandit
13th Mar 2015, 06:57
Some real positive stuff here "folks".

No Cookies | dailytelegraph.com.au (http://bit.ly/1NRyPjQ)

What an excellent write up and display of pride and dedication to Jetstar. Right at a time when all Jetstar pilots are deciding on such an important vote, this is spread in the Daily for all proud Aussies.

With all the discussion going on about your EBA, negative and positive, I believe one must reflect and appreciate your fellow colleagues in the paper and expressing what great benefits Jetstar provide to all their pilots. Well done guys and great stuff for displaying your children for all joe public to see. :D

Something I believe the Daily must have inadvertantly overlooked is the fact that certain dedicated “folk” are actually part time and share a roster. One is home for two weeks, then the other is.

I’m sure the rest of the Australian work fraternity would also like to arrange such ‘entitlements’ and share their professions weekly work schedules around the kids. Hopefully, this will be the start of such great benefits that even Carla enjoys.

No doubt, all Jetstar pilots can appreciate what implied motivation and cause is on public display here and simply say……Thank you….. for a job well done. :ok:

13th Mar 2015, 08:23

Blank Cheque
13th Mar 2015, 08:31
This is no shot at the 2 Pilots in the article. They are both lovely people.

Would it be at all possible that Jetstar's rostering practices favours some and not others?

Would it be possible that some MFO's more than others go above and beyond in helping out some Pilots more than others?

Would it be possible that the MFO and Crew Planning have made it somewhat easier for these 2 Pilots to be rostered appropriately to be able to manage 3 children?

Madame Bandit, they don't job share! They are both Flexi-line Pilots and some how always manage to not be working at the same time.

It's okay for some. The article maybe good PR. Madame B, please don't go about promoting Jetstar as an advocate for good rostering practices and assisting Pilots with families. You're starting to sound like Carla dropping the kids off to school.

Stick with the facts. Some have it easier than others. That is why Jetstar's rostering practices are inconsistent and management do not treat everyone in a fair and equitable manner.

You have been exposed Jetstar. Think it over. :=

Arnold E
13th Mar 2015, 09:12
Something I believe the Daily must have inadvertantly overlooked is the fact that certain dedicated “folk” are actually part time and share a roster. One is home for two weeks, then the other is.

I am not sure what you are actually saying?? What is it?

13th Mar 2015, 09:24
Thank you Madame bandit......

Funniest thing I have ever read in a newspaper!

Horatio Leafblower
13th Mar 2015, 09:35

13th Mar 2015, 09:47
Who is this Carla? What does she do??

13th Mar 2015, 09:51
Holy Moly, it sounds like they never see each other from that article.
It must be fun having a date night when one is coming off earlies and the other has signed off at 3am.

13th Mar 2015, 12:11
What an embarrassment.

Obviously part of the grooming for the greasy pole climbing.

And as Madame alludes to. Next time one or two want to plant their private lives all over a newspaper for every deviate to look at in the due process of engratiateing themselves , keep your young kids and particularly their faces out of it. :ugh::ugh:

13th Mar 2015, 12:26
WTF is the point of that article!! How embarrassing!!

Shot Nancy
13th Mar 2015, 13:09

Going Boeing
13th Mar 2015, 18:37
WTF is the point of that article!! How embarrassing!!

No disrespect to the family involved but the timing of that "puff" article can only be determined as "Industrial Relations Insurance". With a crucial Pilots EBA about to be voted on, the management are positioning themselves and, are ready with some follow up articles, in the event there is another "No" vote. The follow up articles will paint the JQ pilots as greedy, unreasonable silvertails who don't care about the passengers or the viability of the company. Expect a lot of false statements to made by the press at the behest of management which will infuriate you but you (& the unions) will be powerless to correct because management control the media. This was happening in a big way when Joyce shut QF mainline down for three days.

I'm not trying to persuade the JQ pilots which way to vote but to give a heads-up as to what you can expect.

Ollie Onion
13th Mar 2015, 19:49
Yet I know of another couple with a baby that get NO assistance whatsoever and are always struggling with conflicting rosters. Their FDM has told them there is no favouritism allowed. Good on these too, but to me this is just a sign of an airline with rostering practices that favour the chosen few and the rest can get f&@ked. It kind of offends me that Jetstar is represented in this article as some kind of new age company that will accommodate people's lifestyles when it is us who are expected to change our lifestyles to accommodate some pretty dodgy rostering.

tail wheel
13th Mar 2015, 21:35
Jetstar can't be totally dysfunctional when their PR Department just pulled off a strategically brilliant coupe!!

13th Mar 2015, 22:04
I must be reading a different article because to me it sounds like their lifestyle would be terrible and could only be sustained for a few short years before something had to give.

Tommy Bahama
14th Mar 2015, 00:21
And I say to anyone who believes or thinks Jetstar rostering is even remotely all about looking after their crew....."can't fix stupid".

14th Mar 2015, 03:08
There is nothing in that article that indicates they get any rostering assistance from JQ whatsoever.

Madame Bandit
14th Mar 2015, 04:58
Madame B, please don't go about promoting Jetstar as an advocate for good rostering practices and assisting Pilots with families. You're starting to sound like Carla dropping the kids off to school.

Blank Cheque........ I think you need to go back and re-read my post about 4-5 times and really comprehend the statements. :confused:

Shot Nancy
14th Mar 2015, 05:13
a strategically brilliant coupe!!

They even got a Car?
Now that was a successful EBA negotioation.

Ollie Onion
14th Mar 2015, 05:54
I think the 'roster assistance' theme came from a corporate email which said something along the lines of 'this couple shows what a flexible and great workplace Jetstar is to work for'.

14th Mar 2015, 06:10
just another step in the pr game. its eba time. that couple was set up and in my view was naive to not see it coming.

not sure what they thought they'd be getting out of it.

mgmnt jobs maybe?

1 - nil to carla

The Bullwinkle
14th Mar 2015, 08:16
I wonder how much Jetstar paid for that piece of propaganda!

14th Mar 2015, 08:28
Jetstar can't be totally dysfunctional when their PR Department just pulled off a strategically brilliant coupe!!

Tailwheel; Was that a brilliant car or a brilliantly clever action you're referring to? :E

The Bullwinkle
14th Mar 2015, 09:51
what great benefits Jetstar provide to all their pilots.

Yeah, right!:mad:

tail wheel
14th Mar 2015, 15:51
27/09 - read Bullwinkle's post #22.

I suspect the article referred to in the first post of this thread is a product of Jetstar's PR department!

Re-read your post. I was a bit slow - but it is 1.51 am!

14th Mar 2015, 17:36
Tailwheel, Sorry I couldn't resist. Both words have a French origin so there is a connection. :ok:

By the way I understand the 1:51am bit too!!!