View Full Version : Flight Insructor Schools in Florida

8th Mar 2015, 19:01
Does anyone have any advice as to which flight school in Florida may offer the best Flight instructor training at a reasonable cost and once having successfully completed of the CFI course, can either offer employment for a few months to gain experience or help find employment.

Employment of course being the big issue I am British, but hold an FAA standalone ATP with B737 rating.

There are a huge number of flight schools all with the same adverts saying they are the best, and many who offer accelerated training, which I don't think is much good when turning to Instructing as a full time profession.

Looking for a school which will actually spend time teaching me HOW to teach rather than just passing the tests as fast as possible.

Appreciate any help, advice or links.

Check 6
9th Mar 2015, 15:14
The typical south and central Florida flight schools are "puppy mills." There are no doubt some good ones, but I can't offer a name because I live in NE Florida.

We have two flight schools at my local airport. I am not affiliated with them but they have a good reputation here.

Florida Aviation Career Training, Inc. (http://www.florida-aviation.com) - I have met the owner and spent some time chatting with him. He has an excellent reputation here. He is originally from Norway.

Aviation|Flight Training|Fliegen lernen Flugschule USA: Florida Flyers (http://www.florida-flyers.com) - I stopped in once to donate some aviation magazines for their students. The nice lady gave me one of their coffee cups. They are the busier of the two schools and have more airplanes, but personally I would prefer a smaller, less busy school. I have never heard anything negative about them.

Feel free to PM me.

9th Mar 2015, 19:38
Thank you very much I will have a look at their website and email them.