View Full Version : Servicing time! 737-800

Mike Jang
4th Mar 2015, 16:33

this is Michael!

i'm doing OJT from airline now..

i have a question about servicing

737 manual says servicing engine oil between 5-30 minutes after engine off.

why mm gives only 5-30 minutes?

please answer this!

sorry for poor englilsh!

from who wanna be a aircraft mechanic!


4th Mar 2015, 20:09
The 5-30 minutes time. Gives the oil enough time to settle to the correct level after shutdown, but not too long as for the oil to settle too much.
When you get a chance check an engine within this time. Then check several hours later. It can show several cans lower.

5th Mar 2015, 10:14
As basically mentioned, its to ensure servicing to the correct level. You will over-fill the engine if you fill to the top of the sight-glass after the engine has been shut-down for several hours (not usually a problem on the CFM56 as they use plenty of oil anyway!)