View Full Version : CPL renewal with TR

26th Feb 2015, 09:55
hey guys,
my cpl expires in mid-may and m planning to go for TR (a/c not decided yet)..ive a few doubts if you could help:

1. Can license be renewed by getting type rated outside India or additional Fam, GFT- Day and Night flights still mandatory?

2. What if hours of rating are flown during the validity of CPL but docs are submitted after expiry of license, what should be done in such a case?

3. Can documents be submitted together for endorsement & renewal of CPL & renewal of FRTOL (RTR valid)?

4. What are the CPL and FRTOL Renewal procedures after expiry with current TR but not endorsed on license? (Read CAR 7 series H - but it stands cancelled)

5. I have BE76 Duchess endorsed on my license..so after renewal my ME Rating still remains valid (if TR not considered)?

Any help would be useful and appreciated.