View Full Version : Self sponsored IRT statistics

Ray Ban
5th Jun 2002, 13:35
Does anyone know how to get hold of reliable statistics to indicate the number of first time passes in the initial IRT for self-sponsored cadets at either Cabair, Oxford or BAe Jerez?

Thanks very much.

6th Jun 2002, 11:03
Here's a statistic for you, I was self sponsored and i passed my IRT first time at BAe Prestwick.:p

Wee Weasley Welshman
6th Jun 2002, 11:11
I was self sponsored and passed first time at Bournemouth with PAT...

This could be a loooong thread ;)


I have never ever seen reliable data of this nature. I have been a BAE instructor and Moderating here for years. In all that time I have never had a sniff of those figures.

I suspect strongly that the CAA choose not to collect the data that would allow one to derive "pass rates" for FTO's. It would be far too commercially sensitive.

To be honest - the students ability and application make by far the biggest difference. Something the school has little control over.


Alex Whittingham
6th Jun 2002, 13:06
Many of the modular FTOs keep and display IR test results showing student names, dates and pass/partial/fail results. I don't know any integrated schools that do this. Pass rates can be very misleading because they do depend heavily on the background of the students the schools service. In the old days of CAA licenses those that specialised in ex-military students had a sparkling pass rate whereas some integrated schools had comparitively poor pass rates.

Make sure you compare like with like. Nowadays there should be little difference between modular IR rates following full approved courses and the integrated schools' pass rates because they both relate, in general, to students with 150 to 200 hours experience.

Cpt BirdSeed
6th Jun 2002, 13:35
From my experience at Oxford, the pass rate was pretty similar to that of the BA guys, but maybe just a bit worse.
what you notice is that a sponsored course is full of very able pilots who will all have a very good chance of passing first time. If they didnt they'd have got chopped by then. Self Sponsored on the other hand are also generally very good by this satge, but every group seems to have 1 or 2 (sometimes) 3 much weaker students who will let the statistics down.

So basically provided you put enough effort in and you consider yourself as able as the sponsored guys your in with just the same chance.

What I will say, which anyone from Oxford would deny out right, is that if your self sponsored you've got much more chance of failing PT5, or any other PT test for that matter. PT (Progress Tests) are examined by Oxford instructors and resits are chargeable to self sponsored. Hence make your own mind up who's more likely to fail. This isn't always the case, but from my experience again it just seamt that sponsored guys sometimes got away with little mistakes that sels-s didnt.

I have no ideas of exact numbers but I'd guess 3-4 out of 5 pass first time. Just a guess tho'!

Ray Ban
6th Jun 2002, 13:46
I am talking about integrated course schools only by the way but nevertheless very impressed with your first time pass WWW!

Cpt Birdseed knows what I am getting at and I would tend to agree with him. I just hope that kind of practice (if it exists) does not pervade into other external flight tests!

sally at pprune
6th Jun 2002, 20:31
Hi Ray Ban

I hope you have more luck than I did:

see this thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50052)
