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Delta Wun-Wun
10th Jun 2001, 00:55
Just got back from the seminar.Could`nt stop for the Bash after.Can I just say if they run another and you get a chance to go...THEN GO!....Many thanks to Danny,IFR,Hamrah,Crash Dive,WWW,Grandad Flyer,Prune Towers,Scroggs.StopStart,Prune Radar and anyone else I`ve missed.A cracking day thank you very much.

Cheers DWW :) :) :)


10th Jun 2001, 07:48
Yep great time had by all. Many many thanks

Hope everyone head doesn't hurt in the morning<g>, mine certainly will lol


10th Jun 2001, 14:19
Roger that. Just got back to Basildon with a strange unexplained headache - must have been contaminated fuel. . . :)

A very heartfelt thanks to everyone who put themselves out on our behalf. I know I learnt a huge amount from the day, the most important lesson being not to go drinking with Scottish controllers in kilts!

Looking forward to the next one already IFR!

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

10th Jun 2001, 14:36
I would also like to thank everyone involved. The seminars were very informative and I’ve come away with a few good pointers.

If they do another make sure you get yourself on the list!


Patsy 001
10th Jun 2001, 15:15
Yep - fantastic day - both very informative and a great way to put some faces to pseudonames.

I think I should change my handle though as some people had thought I was a female with a name like Patsy 001!! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif

10th Jun 2001, 16:07
It was a great day. Having been to seminars run by OATS it made a change to get some advice/tips etc. from people in the know who weren't trying to sell me something in the process.

Thanks to all who gave their time to share their experiences with us and also to put somenames to faces (WWW, IFR, Danny, Hamrah, scroggs, grandad flyer, pprune radar, stopstart, VTOL, Delta Wun Wun, Patsy001, hassel, sagey, etc. etc.)

My biggest mistake of the day was not going to the Bash ...... i wish I was nursing a hangover with the rest of you.

See you all soon.


10th Jun 2001, 16:54
Fab day!
Nice to meet everyone, great bunch! Had a great day and no Hangover :) !! (although there should have been!).
A great big thanx to everyone that put this together for us IFR, Stan Sted, Hamrah, everybody else and of course Danny!
Hope to see you all again soon!

G-XX...finals and hopefully land!

[This message has been edited by MikeSierra (edited 10 June 2001).]

10th Jun 2001, 20:08
Does anyone want to buy a clapped out Ford Escort?

Gutted that I missed what was no doubt a very informative day. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Wee Weasley Welshman
10th Jun 2001, 20:33
Glad it was useful.

Baaaad hangover this afternoon http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif


10th Jun 2001, 20:35
Just got back this minute, and what am I doing?... Pruning again!

I would also like to thank Don, Danny and company who have helped me no end by organising this fantastic event and being there to pass on their nugs of advice. We are all most grateful.

:) :) :)


[This message has been edited by Pielander (edited 10 June 2001).]

10th Jun 2001, 21:07
Dear All.

I'd like to add my sincere thanks to all those who helped to organise Saturdays seminars. A great day.

I look forward to having a beer with you at the next one.


10th Jun 2001, 21:50
sounds like i really missed out! whens the next one???

BA wannabe!

10th Jun 2001, 22:46
Big thanks to Hamrah, IFR, WWW, Grandad flyer, Crashy, Scroggs, Stop start, Six Squid and 10W. You all gave up your valuable drinking time to give us the "good oil" re CV's, interviews, life in the inside (airlines and mil), mil flying and ATC info.
I bet Stop start never says "route around Europe" again. ;)
Oops, forgot to mention and thank Danny :)
reddo...feral animal!

[This message has been edited by redsnail (edited 11 June 2001).]

10th Jun 2001, 23:40
He might not say it but he'll probably do it...

It was good fun doing the seminars - especially with a hangover courtesy of IFR's drinking exped that ended at 03:45 that morning....
I know the military flying presentation wasn't totally relevant as many of those attending were above the age limit for entry into the RAF, but I hope it was "informative" and at least it meant I got to show off my collection of penguin photographs...

[This message has been edited by StopStart (edited 10 June 2001).]

10th Jun 2001, 23:42
Thank you to all for your valuable contribution.

Very much appreciated.



Anyone else want a paracetemol? :)

11th Jun 2001, 00:18
Well.............looks like it was useful! That was the idea and I am very glad that you all got something from it. The tutors, were brilliant. A perfect of example of what talent is available on PPRuNe to advance your knowledge - ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ASK!!!

I will do them again in December so watch this space. Please don't ask me to start a list - not yet!

By the way. I was personally impressed with all the wannbes deameanours and their keeness. That is just what we need to see, and is what makes it all worthwile.

Till the next time ;)


11th Jun 2001, 00:55
Ohhhh! Ouch. Yer all barstewards!

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

11th Jun 2001, 12:22
My thanks to IFR, scroggs, WWW, Hamrah, Sick Squid, Stop Start, PPRuNe Radar, Crash Dive, Grandad Flyer, PPrune Towers, and anyone I've missed. A great day followed by a superb bash - check the piccies on the Bashes Forum if you don't believe me ;)

Great to put faces to the silly names too!!

Until the next time....


11th Jun 2001, 12:37
Guys, just want to add my thanks too!

It was a brilliant day even if I did break down on the M25 on the way there!!! ;)

It was very informative, a bit depressing sometimes...but then it was giving us a realistic idea of what to expect...but I learnt alot, and came away with alot of ideas and alot of tips I can use in the future.

It was also really good to meet others in the same boat...plus some guys from the same area as me...we have now got a 'Reading Posse!!!' :) :) (You know who you are!) So hopefully we can support each other through all the trauma and hard work we will be going through!

So thanks once again. It was bloody fantastic and I really appreciate how much hard work you all put into it to make it such a successful day.


Capt Wannabee
11th Jun 2001, 12:56
I couldn't make it as I was dragged off with no notice on Friday aftenoon for a weekend in Scotland as one of our major clients lost their network.
As the network was down I couldn't sneak off and pprune on the sly to post an apology and offer my place out.

Sounds like it was very useful and has helped a lot of people out. I hope you all found it beneficial.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to go and I hope to meet you all at the next one.

11th Jun 2001, 13:45
Hope the missus appreciated your sacrifice Blindside!!

G-SXTY - Dave - you will never hear the end of the honeymoon saga. Giving up your honeymoon to go to the PPrune seminar - now that is dedication for you!!!

11th Jun 2001, 14:22
It's worse than you think martinf. Room 104 - The Honeymoon Suite - had the lumpiest bed I've ever come across.

It made for a turbulent approach and a hell of a bumpy landing ;) ;) ;)

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

11th Jun 2001, 14:32
An absolutely brilliant day - learned loads and found it really valuable.

Sincere thanks to everyone for organising it and for giving up their time.

:) :) :)

As for the hangover......


Vicious Squirrel
11th Jun 2001, 18:44
I've said it before and I'll say it again, an absolute stunner of an event! Huge thanks to IFR, Danny, WWW, Grandad Flyer, Prune Towers, Scroggs, Stop Start, Prune Radar, Hamrah, Crash Dive, Sick Squid and all the others, I hope you all know just what a collosal difference you folks are making to all of us wannabes. I also hope that in a few years time there'll be a whole new host of names; seminars by VTOL, VFE, Pielander, Vicious Squirrel, Send Clowns...........

....can't wait!!! ;)

Skin Friction
11th Jun 2001, 20:40
A whole day's worth of impartial career advice..? In the world of aviation...? From people who really know what they're talking about?

Ground-breaking stuff - thanks to all concerned for a really valuable day. I hope you managed to collect enough beer payback to make it worthwhile...

12th Jun 2001, 19:51

Meant to ask you on the day but any more news on the Mentor front?

12th Jun 2001, 21:57
Good question. Yes, things are on the move in that direction. I just need a couple of weeks. 1. To get over this sinusitis and 2. to have a little breather after the work of the past few months.

Trust me! It will happen!

13th Jun 2001, 11:28
Having met you IFR - I can truly beleive that.

..Although are you sure it isn't hungoveritis from the bash!!!!! ;) ;)

When it is up and running may I be the first in line. Also if you need any help with the admin side I duly offer my services.

13th Jun 2001, 22:52
Well, maybe a little bit of that but when I do things like that I tend to make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves.

The itis is getting better with a strong dose of antib's and I am now thinking of the next 6 months again.

The feedback I have been getting on the seminars has been very positive and I suspect we shall keep the same format. If anyone has any ideas I will be happy to listen.

Anyway, it was great meeting a bunch of super guys and gals with great enthusiasm, which drives me certainly, and the others too no doubt. Who know's, I might do a lecture myself at the Xmas seminars.

14th Jun 2001, 00:04

What will your specialist subject be??

Very best regards

14th Jun 2001, 01:27
I'll hold on that for the time being. ;)

14th Jun 2001, 01:40
I know what it should be, but I'm not sure it'd help the wannabes!

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

14th Jun 2001, 12:55
Well my talents spread far and wide, modesty prevents me from saying how far and how wide.

Depends on the angle :)

14th Jun 2001, 17:31
From this angle, I'd say very wide indeed!!

14th Jun 2001, 19:04
On the subjects of seminars in the next bash, had an idea of splitting people into two groups depending on their experience!! Eg. no flying experience, little or PPL into one group & in the other one people with ATPLs or on their way to them!!!
This way, more specific and relevant information can be given to each group!!
Any views?


G-XX finals and ...hopefully land! :)

14th Jun 2001, 20:42
The principal is OK but in practice it won't work - because you actually finish up with four or five small groups, I thought of that from the word go but 50 was our top number and it proved to be impracticable. In the event we had two groups with four subjects which people liked.

In addition, there was the cost of hiring three, maybe four, rooms and ever mounting costs. The price for the two rooms was high enough, and you might care to know that the fund paid over a third of those costs.

The format of last Saturday worked very well indeed, and it was important that everyone got to know about the many routes that are available to them in an aviation career. Remember, whether you are a PPL with low hours, or no hours at all, there is a real avid need to know what is available to them too - including the CPL and ATPL routes.

I don't think an alternative to that is good right now - but who knows what might transform it, or take it's place in the future, when we have a really solid fund.

Thanks for your input though. Shows you are thinking about it positively.

14th Jun 2001, 22:12
I think I would probably be speaking for everybody if I said that I would be more than happy to pay £20 or £30 for the seminars to cover the cost of hiring the rooms. No need to use the fund for that, because we're getting priceless information out of them in any case, thanks to the people who are so kindly willing to give up their time.


Delta Wun-Wun
14th Jun 2001, 22:15
I`ll back Pielander on that,I don`t mind paying £20 to £30 for a seminar...if I can come to the next one as well.


14th Jun 2001, 22:52
I know that this is a "pilot" forum but would it be impossible to have a concurrently run FA wannabe forum? I am sure that there would be a few potential FA's out there that need some good impartial advice.
Just a thought.

reddo...feral animal!

14th Jun 2001, 23:54
Reddo, I know what you're getting at, but I think we should stick to what we know. I know there are one or two FAs that regularly appear on Pprune, but each airline is so different that we'd need a fair few FAs to give a balanced view. It's worth bearing in mind if the demand starts to pick up.

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

You Aint Seen Me. Roit!
15th Jun 2001, 00:28
Looks like I missed an interesting and informative day.

Tell me. What exactly is covered and who are these obviously very wise people that are sharing their experience.

Whoever and whatever, can I come to the next one.

15th Jun 2001, 02:07
My two penneth . . .

I liked the format of everyone being grouped together, as low hours / zero hours students could pick up a lot from more experienced wannabes, as well as those giving the seminars.

I'd cheerfully stick in £20 or £30 next time, as the experience is worth is weight in gold - but can I book a place in the back row & help Reddo with her heckling?

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.

16th Jun 2001, 15:44
Just to add my sincere thanks to all those who put such effort into arranging the day.

Learnt loads, and great to put faces to names.

Thanks again

16th Jun 2001, 21:19
I have to add my thanks to all who gave up their time to give us advice. I found it invaluable!

And as for the prime heckling position.....I'm staying next to Reddo!!! :)

16th Jun 2001, 23:23
Ahhh.. you are too kind. Hopefully by the time the next Seminar/Bash rolls around I won't be a wannabe any more. Perhaps a route checky? ;)
I practice the heckling regularly, just ask my lecturers at ATA.

reddo...feral animal!