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View Full Version : IndiGo hiring DGCA CPL with Multi IR . Last date 20th Jan 2015

12th Jan 2015, 18:12
IndiGo is conducting an exam for DGCA CPL holder who have a multi IR rating

This time they are calling all candidates that meet the minimum requirements and planning on conducting the exams in 4 cities in India

Please complete the online application form. Your application will start your screening process and only suitable candidates meeting IndiGo’s requirements will be contacted by CAE.

We encourage you to keep your information complete and up to date. Application forms with incomplete and/or lapsed information cannot be processed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Note: Applications are to be submitted by January 20th, 2015. We will conduct the examination in 4 locations namely; Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru

Candidates should have a Valid CPL , Valid FRTOL , Valid RTR , Valid Class 1 medical , and should have a multi IR endorsed on the CPL
Candidates should also have atleast 25 hours of multi engine time ( max 10 on sim )


This is the link to apply



For more info on this program please read this thread


P.S : If you know someone eligible please let them know about this as IndiGo is looking to hire a relatively large number of pilots and is a golden opportunity . Please pass it on :)

13th Jan 2015, 06:33
It all depends on whether you get a call from Indigo or not.right?If i cud recall about 120 candidates were selected for August 2014,out of who knows how many applicants.

13th Jan 2015, 07:11

They wouldnt be conducting exams in multiple cities if they were only planning on calling a limited number of candidates

Nor would they give a last date to apply....

100 Candidates passed the written exam out the 225 candidates that appeared for the written
About 250 candidates were called last time for the August 1 exam

13th Jan 2015, 10:25
IndiGo has updated the information regarding the cool off periods in order to be eligible for the exam

The last date to apply has been extended to 25th of Jan , 2015


1. Candidates who have been unsuccessful at the interview stage in past assessments for IndiGo will be required to have a minimum 6 month cool off period before being permitted to redo the written test. In order to be considered for this round of the program, candidates should have taken their previous interview 6 months before 22nd February 2015.

2. Candidates who have been unsuccessful at the written tests in past IndiGo assessments will be required to have a minimum 6 month cool off period before being permitted to resit the exam. In order to be considered for this round of the program, candidates should have taken their previous written test 6 months before 22nd February, 2015.

13th Jan 2015, 13:08
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10570444_734356030004713_6403231910667643545_n.jpg?oh=a71b61 bc0bd2258757610d75a2b0dbba&oe=553C39C6&__gda__=1428216655_fa4744d623b8244ef197be4085474177

14th Jan 2015, 05:43
Cyril, I just updated my cae profile and submitted anything else to be done in order to get a call, do we have to send an attached resume with photos or something ?

14th Jan 2015, 06:07
For all those candidates that have registered earlier please update your profile , Remove yourself from the program and re apply

They are only accepting applications from 14th Jan 2015 onwards which is today

Please spread the word

This has been confirmed via an email sent to IndiGo employees as well as IndiGo's twitter page


Remove yourself from the program and apply again . No need to send CV or photos as its clearly mentioned on the CAE Indigo website not to do so

They are calling everyone this time like Jet Airways does

14th Jan 2015, 06:34
Thanx cyril WILCO

14th Jan 2015, 06:58
Welcome to CAE Pilot Provisioning IndiGo program!

Thank you for your application. If your application meets the current criteria we are looking for, you will be contacted with more details.

Please note due to the high volume of applications being received this process can take up to a few weeks.

Best Regards,
Pilot Provisioning team

14th Jan 2015, 07:16
Hi All,

I am new to this thread, i am many of us were waiting for this opprtunity for long time ... i woul like to knw if someone doesn't have valid COO still they won't accpt the appliction even though it is just a paper not joing date.


14th Jan 2015, 07:54

Thats the standard automated reply

Actual calls will take some time to come since last date is 25th Jan to apply

15th Jan 2015, 02:08
well are there any specific books or question bank that someone has for these , or is it the entire CPL/ATP syllabus !

15th Jan 2015, 04:09
The DGCA syllabus both CPL and ATPL is essentially based upon the JAA / EASA ATPL syllabus including the question banks
IndiGo and most other airlines in India follow the same as well

So any collection of books that cover all the topics like Oxford , Jeppesen , Nordian etc will help

17th Jan 2015, 08:29
Hi Cyril,

I had attempted the Jet Interview in Sept 2014, the Jet Technical Questions were simpler, would Indigo questions be of the same difficulty level ?

Would you know if I study all the 5000 odd questions from JAR question bank I could cover most of the Indigo Exam questions (As per previous papers) ?

This is my first attempt in Indigo.


17th Jan 2015, 21:26

The IndiGo question paper all these years were based on the JAA ATPL question bank

So you can expect a similar level of difficulty

The DGCA uses the same question bank so you shouldnt find much of a difference there

A few differences between Jet and IndiGo are

- You can use calculator and flight computer in IndiGo so expect similar problems

- No negative marking in IndiGo ( except when you try to mark multiple answers for the same question )
Although since IndiGo is calling everyone this time there is a possibility they might introduce it . Keep a lookout...

- There will be 100 questions and you only have 2 hours to solve it . They usually call everyone who scores above 70 but if large number of candidates pass they can make the cutoff higher

- Jet Airways asks only basic human factors but IndiGo does go in depth
So make sure you study all the topics inside out

The question bank you refer to should be mostly enough but dont expect the exact same questions but you can expect a similar level of difficulty

Since there 100 questions and you only have 2 hours to solve them you only get about 1.2 minutes per question
Since each question has the same 1 mark , answer the questions you know first
Only then tackle the difficult ones or the ones that take time...

All this info is based upon previous exams . I expect the pattern to be the same but only time will tell whats in store this time.

19th Jan 2015, 05:03
@Cyril , very well explained . Thank you for your advice

19th Jan 2015, 07:45
Hi everyone, just wanted a advice from you guys. Should we focus more on aircraft performance then human performance as last paper was mostly from aircraft performance (as what i got to know from couple of friends who gave that exam). And do they also ask from engines? ???

29th Jan 2015, 19:49
Hello all,
this is my 1st post & i would like to say this forum and friends have been extremely helpful so i would like to thank you all 1st..
i have been going through indigo question banks im not able to find the reference docs for solving problems ,found few on scribd but its incomplete if anyone could guide it would be great ....

31st Jan 2015, 07:00

Any info about the previous batch ? are there backlogs or it is a smooth sail after the type rating.

31st Jan 2015, 21:04
Why has this thread become so dead? I thought it'd be buzzing! Any updates about the Feb 22 exam? Anyone got any call letters yet?

2nd Feb 2015, 08:52
People have started getting mails with roll nos and venue details :ok:

25th Feb 2015, 10:01
Hi all,

any idea when will the results be declared. Any information on how all did and what will be the expected cut off mark to clear the 1st round

power source
2nd Sep 2017, 10:59
can anyone post the latest questions asked in indigo interview for non type rated and little insight about Group task.
thanks much in advance.