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9th Jun 2001, 02:16
there is a possiblity that i may fail one of my a-levels this year.
If you haveself sponsered yourself and are applying to the airlines, will they look t see if you have a-levels or a degree?
i haveheard that all they are intersted in i your experience (flight hours).
I know you should get your a-levels so you have a better scope for employment if the pilot thing doesnt work out but could i get a job as a pilo ad do 2 a-levels part time distance learning?
Any advice on what i can do if i fail the exams as regards to getting an airline job would bemuch appreciated.
Warm Regards

9th Jun 2001, 02:32
English ????

9th Jun 2001, 02:36
I think my friend, if you are talking about BA you are mistaken!
They prefer you, in general, to have no flying experience, ab initio!
if you read there webstie the a levels or degree are a MUST have!
sorry mate if I am the bearer of bad news!
saying this every rule has its exception and it can't hurt to apply anyway! or apply now while you are waiting for yoiur results and put predicted grades that are higher than u actually expect!

Stall Inducer
9th Jun 2001, 15:22
If your self sponsered and do reasonably well through your training it doesn't make any difference what your A-levels were. Mine were pretty C*ap (C,D,D) reason being i found them boring so didn't work for them. My flying exams Techs/Navs however were all up in the 85%-100% mark. - Why because I actually wanted to do well in them! My present employer was really more interested in flying grades than school work. I'm not saying don't work for them good A-levels can't hurt you but it's not the end of the world if you don't get 3 A's in Maths Physics and some other related subject. A friend of mine flying for a U.K airline recently bought by BA has no A-levels , and just a hand full of GCSE's.
Good Luck with them - see you on the airways.

10th Jun 2001, 21:10
Yeah of course you can do them part time distance learning but its best to avoid it if at all possible. You'll have other things on your plate and as I'm sure you've realised, A-Levels are hard.

Give it your best shot and kill yourself to get the maximum grades possible for you. I messed around in the first year of sixth form and then realised that the level I get may well determine what I do in life, which uni I go to and that they wre generally quite important...soooo....from Feb onwards I just shut myself off to the world and worked butt off. It really hurt but It worked and I got 4 A's. Go for it. You can do it.

:) BAW22 :)