View Full Version : Dosimeters: What kind of dosimeters do you use?

11th Dec 2014, 07:12
Hey everyone !

Recently I followed up the topic radiation exposure for aircrew, for a project between my university and a prestigious European research institute. As you work in that field and hence are experts, i hoped you could give my team a better view on that topic.

My team found out, that interestingly there are not that many measures taken to detect the actual radiation aircrew is exposed to- indeed, the topic seemed to be even ignore to a certain extent. When talking to experts, we were just informed that "every now and then " pilots and steward/esses get a dosimeter and their exposure is calculated to an average. Is that true worldwide? Our partner from the research institute was highly surprised about hat, as he wears his dosimeter anytime, and actually it is not a matter of costs to do that (interview partners told us that more evaluations are not done because it would be too costly. Nonsense.)

To sum all that up: We would be highly interested in how often you are given a dosimeter to detect your exposure to radiation? And even more important: What kind of dosimeters do you use and which brands are there? The thing is, my team tries to identify current producers in order to get even more information on that topic, as the research institute we are working with might could offer a technology that would allow cheap and more frequent detection of radiation and hence increase awareness and safety concerning radiation.

It would really help me a lot if you could take a look at your dosimeter and tell me what kind of dosimeter it is and who produced it. Furthermore, i would be highly interested in your point of view of the topic. Would you welcome an opportunity to detect your exposure more often/more exactly?

Thanks for your help in advance !

11th Dec 2014, 20:50
never had one , never heard of anyone / type other than Concorde using one. I suppose someone somewhere might have done but it is certainly not common.

12th Dec 2014, 19:10
Aircrew exposure is usually just calculated, using certain programs (for example EPCARD (http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/epcard-portal/epcard-home/index.html?fontSize=AA602)) that themselves use data from the NOAA space weather information. As most dosimeters are not able to fully record cosmic radiation calculation of exposure is enough.

According to european legislation there are guidelines and limits for aircrew exposure which are of course followed. Just googling about aircrew radiation exposure gives a wealth of information and a quick overview of the many studies on that subject.