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View Full Version : RNoAF Mk.86 Lynx bows out

9th Dec 2014, 21:59
Worlds highest hour Lynx helicopter was retired today as the Lynx helo was retired from Norwegian service today. (337 Sqn, flying the coast guard mission with the navy)

Airframe 207 had 9160 hours on it


Last Lynx flight (www.forsvaret.no)
(https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforsvaret.no%2Faktuelt%2Fpublisert%2FSider%2F siste-landing-med-lynx.aspx&edit-text=&act=url)

10th Dec 2014, 07:33
less than 10000 hours on it ??? not used that much then is this the norm to retire an airframe so early

10th Dec 2014, 07:47

Hello Hughes500,

You'll have to complain to Westland because if you read the article :" Helicopter 207, for instance, covered 9160 flight hours, 2000 more than what it was originally designed. "

More than 30 years of flight in hard conditions, I say :D


10th Dec 2014, 08:34
207 has sported some art for some time:

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/l/t1.0-9/10848040_10152833486715733_3646395589334392388_n.jpg?oh=76e8 0be3bff0e2b5561bdc574d010f1f&oe=54F90450

337 Sqn are a Brave ;) bunch, operating mostly north of 69 North :)

11th Dec 2014, 00:09
From what I recall AH Lynx had 7000hrs or 100 TOW missile firings.

I think XZ666 got an extra 10% LEP, with inspections before being reduced to spares and then becoming a ground instruction airframe.

11th Dec 2014, 06:37
I saw Damian about 3 years ago at Arborfield -it was being shuffled around the hangar like a hot potato -just like its in service time.I was told there it had a 4000 timex life -not a lot compared with commercial machines but a good flying machine.