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View Full Version : part sponsorships for CPLs

clear prop!!!
8th Jun 2001, 19:50
OK, you've got the CPL, you were going to do you FIC and spend a few years on the bread line, but???....
Are thre any airlines out there who will accept that you are a pretty safe bet having passed your ATPLs etc and can make the grade, and sponsor you to the RHS?

Token Bird
8th Jun 2001, 20:10
Do you mean before or after the IR? If it is after then BA and BMI do a scheme where they sponsor your jet orientation course and type rating. Don't know any details though.


[This message has been edited by Token Bird (edited 08 June 2001).]

Grandad Flyer
8th Jun 2001, 23:41
You could try the ATP Academy. They take you on if you have a frozen ATPL and MCC (or you can do it with them) and if you get through their selection you get a placement with a UK airline flying jets usually although there are some turbo prop jobs out there too. Could be just what you are looking for.
They have a website, not sure what its under, assume either theatpacademy.co.uk or ctcaviation.
Or you can call them on 01703 844000 or e-mail [email protected]
They are based near Southampton.