View Full Version : Good sources for calculating Aircraft Value?

3rd Dec 2014, 20:01
Hi Guys, I do a little brokerage and such on the side and have always just resorted to networking with a appraiser for values. I have friend that wants a rough value on a Falcon 20 that wants to keep the exact aircraft secret and just have me take the details and come up with a rough value. Is there any sources besides bluebook to get a semi detailed value by plugging numbers in? Blue book only offers a yearly subscription and I rather not pay $400 for one search. I rarely need to do this so its just not worth it, would love a source that I could pay per aircraft lookup. Any ideas I would greatly appreciate!

LGW Vulture
3rd Dec 2014, 21:26
This is a little difficult to try and explain without sounding rude. I had a little look at your previous posts and it appears you also want to take your brokering business a little further.

First rule of thumb - if your friend has an F20 then he can certainly afford a half life valuation initially. If he wants to adjust on half life according to the current status of the aircraft then he'll need to pay a little more.

Aircraft Bluebook and Vref are guides but at times they bear little relation to actual transaction values and hence "real values".

The only way to get this done for nothing is either know someone well enough and they know their stuff and can therefore tell you - or you do your homework, get to know the current status of the F20 market - and of course there are numerous differences of the type in terms of engines and such like - and know how to adjust its value in terms of airframe and engine times - time to inspections / overhauls and avionics fit and any mods or extras.

It takes an awful lot of time and money to build relationships and pay for industry databases - it's a tough business to be giving away info to strangers for nothing.

I hope that wasn't too rude. :ouch:

4th Dec 2014, 00:02
Not rude no, just realize I am in no way looking for a freebie appraisal. Yes I absolutely understand all of the specifics that go into aircraft pricing and how in the end they may not even be that accurate depending on the current market. Dont assume because of my previous post of looking for advice into growing the brokerage business I dont have a realistic view of what I am dealing with. My client and friend is not looking for an exact firm number, they want me to help them find a reasonable range to consider future options. Should they decide to act they will be hiring an appraiser to asses a more accurate figure. As I stated I am looking for any additional sources besides Blue Book, but more specific than a simple vref chart to get a value and then apply current market trends to it. I would love something like blue book where I can apply specifics but I am trying to avoid being forced into a yearly membership to value one aircraft. Any help would be appreciated.

Miles Magister
4th Dec 2014, 21:59
contract someone who is a member of the NAAA and they will have access to the very large database.