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8th Jun 2001, 16:06
Any adventerous pilots here who want to share some experiences. Whatīs like to be a bush pilot? Pro/cons? Any recommendation to become one?


8th Jun 2001, 18:09
Not sure about Bush Pilots, but last Saturday night after 20 pints and a vindaloo I ended up in bed with a Bush Pig - not pleasant in the morning!

8th Jun 2001, 18:30
You sure you didn't end up in bed with Mummy? :)

12th Jun 2001, 15:01
Hey there Fraggel,
From what I have heard on the gossip line is that "Bush" pilots are not very reliable for the airlines. They seem to want pilots that are "safe, non-risk taking pilots" I think it is wierd but I know that I want to do aerobatics and I have already been arned by Qantus that they will not be inerested in me if I do. I guess the final decision is ours but I still want to do my aeobatics and have fun while I am still young. Go where the heart lies I guess

Diversions? what the hell are they!!

Oh you mean this extra track written on the back

12th Jun 2001, 21:02
err..... I maybe getting confused but has anyone seen that certain video...."Bush Pilots", there were a few copies floating around Langford hall (OATS) when I was there...or is this about something different?

12th Jun 2001, 23:10
Depends on what you do regarding bush flying.
Just flogging around and letting your own personal standards fall will not help you in the future. The best way to tackle it is stay as long as you need to get the hours for the next step. Use the experience wisely. You will certainly learn skills and techniques that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your flying life plus you will make some pretty good friends.
Go for it. I really enjoyed my time in the bush. (Australia).

reddo...feral animal!

15th Jun 2001, 22:21

Iīm not even sure I want to become an airline pilot. Iīm afraid I will be bored after a couple of years being a robotpilot. But I donīt know anything about the alternatives. Can you make a decent living with a CPL nowadays? How though is it? How much fun is it? I simply donīt know...


15th Jun 2001, 23:17
The best introduction to being a Bush Pilot is the film "6 days and 7 nights" starring Harrison Ford as pilot, and a gorgeous bit of stuff. I have watched it three times.

This film inspired me (as I am about the same age as aforesaid pilot) to go for it.

Unfortunately, my flying career, to date, has not lived up to expectations. The bush doesn't have many palm trees, is hot and dry, and the drinks are damn expensive - if you can get them. I am hoping things will pick up a bit - any woman would be nice.

[This message has been edited by Gerund (edited 15 June 2001).]

16th Jun 2001, 06:12
Hey again Fraggel,
I thinkk I gave you the wrong impression. I am only studying at the moment. I finish my course at the end of this year. I am also looking into bush flying but that was what I had heard. I think that if you don't want to fly for the airlines than go for it. I have a friend who cattle drives with a helicopter and he loves the feeling of flying that low. I am not saying that all bush pilots fly low but that most of them are in aviation cause they enjoy flying and don't really care for the hype of the airlines. I am with you though, I am not going for the airlines cause it becomes to monotomous. Neway I have cluttered up the airway's long enough. All the best and keep us all posted as to how your doing.

16th Jun 2001, 16:18

not having a go at you, but no doubt you don't want to make the airlines, you can't even spell QANTAS correctly. As for you redsnail, i'm with you mate, in Kununurra (west oz, for those of you who don't know) at the moment and loving it, lot's of hours, great mates, and stage 2 and 3 for the big Q coming up.

Good luck with your careers guys.

20th Jun 2001, 08:48
Cheer's for that mate. I didn't even realise that I had stuffed the spelling up! What idiot would spell Qantas wrong!!! haha. Neway we have been having some whirly birds in at our school lately and the two of the pilots were "bush" pilots. They were telling me of some of the stuff they do and it was very interesting. They were usually flying out in the northern territory for some mining companies and doing a lot of low level stuff. They said that they have a number of "fixies" also doing the same stuff out there and just carting machinery parts around. Stuff that I wouldn't mind doing. All the best everyone for getting into the line of work you are after.



20th Jun 2001, 12:28
Bush Flying, excellent apprenticship I would say, but Reddo hits the nail on the head. Particularly if you are a UK based pilot. There seems to be a bit of a suspiscion of bush flyers, so don't do it for too long.

That said, you will probably get to go to places that you wouldn't be allowed (or want) to go to as a tourist or traveller and meet some amazingly wonderful peolple, some amazingly corrupt people, see some amazing country, and some desperate and frightening sights. It depends where you want to end up, so don't get too romantic about it, but plenty of bush guys are flying with the airlines in the UK now, so give it a go.

Feel free to E me if you want to know a bit more about it, and what I did.

Good luck.

22nd Jun 2001, 01:27
Just one comment-
The 'bush' is almost deserted areas like alaska/australian outback. I woulden't call island hopping in 6 Days, 7 Nights bush flying!

True, Pilots enjoy riding Beavers in the Bush.

Dave Incognito
22nd Jun 2001, 05:32

Whoever told you that you will not be wanted at Qantas because you have an aerobatics rating is talking utter cr@p. Just look at the Qantas cadet scheme, aerobatics is a required part of the course.

Do an aerobatics course if you have the cash. I did one a couple of months ago and it is one of the best things I have ever done in regards to improving my stick/rudder skills as well as my confidence. If you are going to do it, try and get a tail-wheel endorsement at the same time. Flying a tail-dragger will improve your skills immensely.

As for bush flying, one of my mates who was flying at Kunnunurra has just been accepted into Qantas. He said his time there was not only really great fun, but also taught him a lot about flying. Another friend applied with over 10 years worth of instructing and they told him to go out, do some charter, and then reapply. I guess it’s the luck of the draw to a certain extent, but bush flying certainly won’t hurt your prospects.

Have a good one, Dave.

Flying is easy - just throw yourself at the ground and miss.

[This message has been edited by Dave Incognito (edited 22 June 2001).]

22nd Jun 2001, 10:04
There seem to be people around with a certain view about the Q:
Who is a pilot.
slug-is an example of this, and is one of the reasonsI sometimes wonder if I won't be better of with a different kind of peers.
(not having a go at ya slug-really, you where just there with the example).
So, I'm like you, Fraggel, and good luck to us both about it.

Well, good luck to you all of-course.