View Full Version : PERSPECTIVE

1st Dec 2014, 08:15
It is the measure of any man that they choose freedom over bondage. Any one of us who values this 'job' over integrity, honesty and respect has already guaranteed themselves a 'career' of slavery, servitude and utter frustration. For those of us near the end of their careers, resolve to leave on your own terms, with your head held high. For those nearer the beginning, realise that this may be the most important and edifying event of your lives, which will determine your own worth for the rest of your days. In conclusion, do NOT let this malignancy called 'cathay management' determine your ultimate worth. Do NOT let them reduce you and your hopes and dreams to fear and ruination.

1st Dec 2014, 08:35
Here here...and here's one of our ex colleagues showing how it is done.

Strangely he was enticed into CX by Sir Adrian himself, which goes to show that it can't be that f....g hard to get back on program.


God bless Ray and his son Mark...a beacon we can all set a course for.

1st Dec 2014, 09:17
Of course the current master at the helm has had this rather transparent end game conclusion for quite some years now. They are great strategists.

Surely now one is surprised at their long term goal, and would mistakenly think that this drive to get crewing costs as lean as possible is as simple as a personal vendetta. That's just management tactics being applied ineptly.

Clearly their chipping and nibbling away at T&C's, whilst intentionally driving wages down in real terms, is purely and simply a dollar driven quest prior to Swires disengaging themselves from being the major player in the company.

However, being the strategists and tacticians that we are required to be as part of operating in an environment where we trust few people, none of the above should be a surprise to anyone that has a hands on window seat.

1st Dec 2014, 09:53
While their own personal remuneration is by design, inversely proportional to ours, we would be fools to expect a change of direction. Market forces or risk assessors, or worse, crash investigators will be the only forces that can alter this course. Legislators and regulators would ordinarily intervene before this of course... :hmm: I fear the bottom of the barrel is a way off yet... The difference is we fear that fact, while they salivate over it, as it represents greater remuneration for themselves personally.

Cheer up, 65 is just over the horizon! (If you can see it through the 'haze').

1st Dec 2014, 10:44
Lowkoon.... Jeez, you have mgt written all over you.

Perhaps a solution is for all of us to take management jobs, and increase the supply in those jobs .... After all, many pilots have more relevant education and experience in management than our illustrious leaders.... And I'm not just talking about on the 3rd floor.

1st Dec 2014, 22:02
He ain't management and I didn't get that impression from his post.

Simply a realist.

Max Reheat
2nd Dec 2014, 01:15
I agree with ACMS... Lowkoon, a sensible, well written post.
And anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded!

Arfur Dent
2nd Dec 2014, 01:21
Isn't it the case that Management is the biggest cost item after fuel? Maybe they should just bin some of themselves. What do they all do up there anyway??:confused:

Cpt. Underpants
2nd Dec 2014, 02:12
No Arfur, it's not management , it's "staff". That gives them licence to lay into everyone except (God forbid) their own salaries and benefits.

Then, they demonise the pilots amongst the "staff" and turn the "staff" against the pilots. Look at the greedy pilots. Do you know how much they earn? Do you know how little they work? Look at their cushy hotels. Look at their expensive toys. How many houses does he have? He has a plane, and you don't even have a car!

The next step (here's the good one) they do right by the "staff " (after all, "we" all agree that the pilots earn way too much) and they cut pilots salaries. It's only the right thing to do, after all.

Job done. QED. It's not rocket surgery.

PS. We HAVE to stop contributing breathlessly enthusiastic stories of our amazing vacations and beautiful toys to Crews News. When the CEO, CFO, GM, MD, D(people) and others start showing US photos of THEIR homes on the Peak, chauffeur driven BMW's, ski vacations to Suites de la Potiniere and ICAO junkets, I'll show them what I did. Crews News is a COMPANY PUBLICATION. It's read by ALL the staff. Whilst it might make 1000 pilots happy, it only generates feelings of extreme jealousy amongst 27000 COMPANY employees and thousands of others outside CX. It's propaganda people, nothing more, nothing less.

2nd Dec 2014, 04:47
Capt Underpants.

Well said. At last someone gets it. I'm still feeling embarrassed by the Enema story from all those years back. The crews news magazine does nothing for us except serve as a mouthpiece for the 3rd floor. The operationally interesting stuff should be on intracx for all to see as a proper reference.

White None
2nd Dec 2014, 05:16
Err ...... "Enema Story" ? Please fill me up, sorry... IN!

2nd Dec 2014, 05:39
Wonder how much the company paid their marketing gurus to take the blood out of the chicken wing...oh wait a minute...maybe it was simple plagiarism...


Cpt. Underpants
2nd Dec 2014, 06:37
Ah yes, enemas. The one I remember best is the 2 pages of "mile high" encounters submitted by new joiners AND PUBLISHED in crews news.

To think many of those baboons are captains now...

Hugo Peroni the IV
2nd Dec 2014, 07:47
And the good thing about us Baboons being Captains now is that, and this if for all those old F***ers who act like twats in the LHS, we see that the job isn't really that difficult and doesn't make you behave like you do……its just that some of the old F***ers are, maybe not baboons, but certainly TWATS!

2nd Dec 2014, 08:14
hmmm, looking at how this thread I started has degenerated to this. Thanks guys...awesome. Maybe the management do have a point after all. :ugh:

2nd Dec 2014, 08:47
Peroni...so much more than just a breakfast pick-me-up!

2nd Dec 2014, 09:22

Amen to that. It never made them behave like twats it allows them to be the twats they are.

Hugo Peroni the IV
2nd Dec 2014, 10:17

Sorry to have ruined your thread by biting a little after the baboon reference. I just tire a little from the never ending patronizing approach that our 'brethren' display to anyone younger than them. If we look back at some of the most shocking approaches made by CX pilots they have generally been made by senior Captains. In my experience, the Baboons are pretty good......God forbid, dare I say it, so have been all the SO's I have flown with. Then again, airbus pilots are the two winged master race so i suspect there are baboons aplenty on the 777 which thankfully I don't have to go anywhere near.

Max Reheat
2nd Dec 2014, 11:33
Amen Hugo... I'll drink to that!

2nd Dec 2014, 11:41
Well...we all get a bit 'bitchy' from time to time. The important thing is to stay focused on who the real twats and baboons are. :rolleyes:

Cpt. Underpants
2nd Dec 2014, 12:23
Did you ever get the wrong end of the stick, "dudes"...

The "baboon" reference was specific to the halfwits who wrote of their "experience" - almost all sexual - for publication in the crewsnews rag. It had NOTHING to do with age or flying experience.

Having said that, your total overreaction and name calling smack of unresolved "issues".

Get some time off. Take a ride (in the pointy end) of a 777. Experience the Barbie jet and (one more thing)...grow up, for Pete's sake.

Sorry about the thread drift.