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View Full Version : November Flt Lt to Sqn Ldr promotions

28th Nov 2014, 16:45

Has anyone seen the Nov Sqn Ldrs board list yet? I had a couple of youngsters I was hoping to see on it. Tried Google and out of the country currently so any info gratefully received! Cheers all :)

28th Nov 2014, 19:42
"Youngsters?" Last time I looked most Squdron Leaders looked like they had not long finished their A levels!

28th Nov 2014, 19:45
I knew I was old when one of my 80s IOT studes retired, as a gp capt!

Courtney Mil
28th Nov 2014, 20:09

Why not ask your CoC? Is PPRuNe really they place to find out?

28th Nov 2014, 20:27
Sorry wokkamate, but I think the all encompassing Data Protection Act means you're out of luck.

A couple of years back they wouldn't even post names on the RAF intranet let alone the big scary internet because it allegedly breached data protection regulations. I think they might have eased up a little since then with regard to the intranet, but if you're out of the UK then jungle drums are your best bet. That or Facebook if you have an account and you know who you're looking for - I've already come across one proud service wife singing from the roof tops about her husband's promotion.

28th Nov 2014, 21:22
Aah, those were the days - eager scanning of the half yearly promotion lists

29th Nov 2014, 15:22
and getting past over...

Sorry wanderer, I just couldn't pass up such a gift horse.. :p

aw ditor
29th Nov 2014, 16:08
Ah, "Notim'" day!


29th Nov 2014, 16:48

That should be passed over..... :=

29th Nov 2014, 18:28
That's him off the "list" then.

Mind you, was quite nice seeing one's proteges and former studes appearing on the list

29th Nov 2014, 20:48
Are we not already over manned with Sqn Ldrs?

29th Nov 2014, 20:53
Don't you mean "over-personned"..........hat, coat.............

29th Nov 2014, 22:02
And what's all this 'November' stuff? The true 'Feast of the Passover' began at midnight on New Year's Eve, when the stn cdr pinned the list to the mess notice board and no one, but no one, had been told in advance. Thus the New Year started not to the strains of Auld Lang Syne but generally to cries of 'What, HIM?' and, if you were lucky, said stn cdr producing new rank slides from his pockets for some of one's friends who were suddenly inspired to push the boat out until January 2nd. Happy 60s days. People today don't know how to live...

30th Nov 2014, 17:32
I didn't want to be a fifty year old flight lieutenant so I left :}

Just This Once...
30th Nov 2014, 17:51
I guess it became less desirable to publish promotion lists when turning down an offer of promotion became so commonplace.

30th Nov 2014, 19:45
I pushed and pushed for years to get promoted; when I was finally offered I turned it down!!! What a knob!

30th Nov 2014, 21:57
My "congrats" when a first class SH1T was promoted in Met. :

"I suppose I should congratulate you on your extreme good fortune!"

"YES!" he preened.

"Gotcha!, you thick sod!"

Turning down promo is/was the most difficult decision. I was guaranteed next post as SMetO Wildenrath, a plum job.
Then the phone rang and I was offered PMetO 1 Group Bawtry.
Very very difficult with 4 children in the education years, happy at Queen's School Rheindahlen, and all doing well. Vanity won.
Still not sure ...........