View Full Version : Upcycling / Recycling an RB211-524

28th Nov 2014, 09:55
Hi all,

I'm working on a resource management thesis, specifically looking into recycling or upcycling an aircraft jet engine. I chose to focus on the RB211-524 series engines (G or H, etc) in particular, given whereabouts they are in their life-cycle, and have come across a few technical questions which I'm hoping PPRuNe can help me with!

I've not got a wealth of materials data for the engines, but I am sure there will be some metals capable of working in high temperature environments (i.e. a tech-savvy friend mentioned p-clips). Is anybody aware of temperature resistant components which could be used elsewhere? (Perhaps nuts / bolts / washers, if nothing else?)
Are the screw thread sizes standard (i.e. non-aviation specific)?
Are there any other standardised parts which can be used outside of the aviation industry? I've found some info about some of the electrical parts which have uncommon voltage and frequency requirements (oil pressure sensors of 26v 400Hz, actuators and sensors which use 24v DC or 115v 400Hz AC, shut off valves which use 28v DC, etc) and I'm struggling for re-applications! Upcycling these would be really good.
Contaminated parts. If anyone knows which parts would be unsalvageable as they are contaminated after use I'd be most appreciative.
Enthusiasts: one of my recommendations will be to sell to enthusiasts everything which cannot be recycled nicely, or has more value as a part than of molten metal. I've done some scouring of the net but can't see many things (apart from the huge fan-blades) which enthusiasts would be interested in. Are there any common stories?

FYI, I've also found what I hope is the static version of the engine (RB211-24G). Does anybody know of the overlap?

Please fire away with questions as I know this is an odd request! Also, please let me know if this is in the wrong forum - I had a good look at the questions in each and figured this was the appropriate place.

Many thanks,


1st Dec 2014, 21:48
I don't know as not current on all things jet, engines tend to get reused if still in use.

Have you considered contacting the RR historical trust?


Btw See


4th Dec 2014, 08:27
Thanks NutLoose,

I'd actually found the guy's blog where he was repairing the engine in that video - very handy as it gave me some idea of the voltages used by some of the parts (which I'm now trying to find other applications for!).

I'll give the trust a go, but I can't imagine an organisation interested in preserving history would be too clued up about up-/re-cycling haha!


17th Dec 2014, 11:27
Hi all,

Perhaps I was too generic with my last questions. FYI, I've since found that indeed the thread sizes are aviation specific under the NAS standard, and that the functional parts are not very suitable for other industries but may overlap with static power generation units (if anyone knows quite how much overlap then that would be appreciated!).

Focussing in further, I thought I'd take a look at the integrated drive generators as I caught wind that they cost up to 70k just to refurbish, so I'm hoping there is an industry out there begging for IDG components - being that one man's trash could be another man's treasure. If anyone has knowledge regarding the internals of an IDG or potentially any suggestions for reuse then I'd be very appreciative. Perhaps a component manual, if such a thing exists?

Kind regards,


29th Dec 2014, 16:05
The Heritage Trust is full of engineers who are extremely well clued-up and interested in all things mechanical, including modern developments such as sustainability and recycling.

One possible problem is "intellectual property". RR might insist that some components are destroyed rather circulated freely.