View Full Version : Workload of Aeronautical Engineering?

13th Nov 2014, 23:59
I'm looking to take Aeronautical Engineering along with my CPL at Embry-Riddle, how much would the workload of the engineering degree be?


Genghis the Engineer
14th Nov 2014, 10:54
Expect to put 6,000-8,000 man-hours in over the full course of a bachelors degree in aeronautical engineering.

That's assuming you start with good maths (to the level of good algebra, basic calculus, reasonable understanding of statistics, mathematical treatment of Newtonian static and dynamic mechanics), and good enough English to be able to write clear lab reports and follow complex lectures and textbooks. In between, also good spoken mathematics in English (be able to describe, and understand somebody else's verbal descriptions of all the maths that you already know).

And, clearly, a real passion for the technical side of aviation, as it's a tough slog that needs to be driven by a lot of enthusiasm to carry you through.


7th Dec 2014, 21:42
G is right you really need to love math. It took me 5 years to get my (BSME) degree. Went part time at first then full time to finish.

Good luck