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11th Nov 2014, 16:11
RAF Tornados Complete Afghanistan Mission (http://www.raf.mod.uk/news/archive/raf-tornados-complete-afghanistan-mission-11112014)

Welcome home in advance, lads! :ok:

11th Nov 2014, 17:56
Whilst I appreciate the sentiment you express, Typhoon93, your junior boots are still treading heavily in this Forum. Especially using the term "lads".

Take a week or two off, eh? You are not making a lot of friends here.

11th Nov 2014, 17:59
I agree with his sentiments, don't be so harsh on him.

11th Nov 2014, 18:13
Perhaps one of them (who may perchance read this) could put in the full (expurgated !) text of the Song ? I give you:

"Now we come for Demob - Spats 'n Bowler Hat,
Back to dear old Blighty - it's Goodbye to All That.
The bloomin' Yankees got the best.
The ruddy Conchies got the rest ! -

We're Right A-round the Corner,
We're Right A-round the Bend !"


Thelma Viaduct
11th Nov 2014, 18:20

MOD budget must be tight, making them all cram in to one Tornado to get back, worse than easy jet.

MPN11 [be11end:gif]

11th Nov 2014, 18:39
MPN11 [be11end:gif]

You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. There is, however, no justification in being quite so offensive. Feel free to rotate upon it in a vertical axis, Sir.

11th Nov 2014, 18:45
Am I correct in assuming that all of our personnel (and combat equipment) are now out of Afghan, or will be leaving very, very shortly? Or is the answer to that classified?

Lima Juliet
11th Nov 2014, 19:40
T93 - why do you need to know?

11th Nov 2014, 19:45
LJ, I don't need to know, however, it would be nice to know that they are all out of that place, safe and sound, ready for Christmas to be with their families.......

11th Nov 2014, 19:48
Why are they in echelon-port (8:4) ? Couldn't the photographer fit them all in any other way ?

Lima Juliet
11th Nov 2014, 21:14
If it's nice to know, you don't need to know. This isn't a game.

11th Nov 2014, 21:15
PC garbage.

Lads = lads, lasses, transsexuals, gays, bi and whatever else you are. It's generic and I know what you meant.

PC Wedding speech guide books must have an annex on first lines to include all genders. War and peace??

11th Nov 2014, 21:47
Well said MPN!

Another stupid and ill thought out question from you T93. Do you watch the news? Do you know what's going on around you? If you watched the news over the last few days you will have seen Harry in Afghanistan. Did you notice all of those people around him wearing uniforms? So, the answer to the first part of your question is no, they are not all home yet. Now, do a little research yourself and you will find the answers to your other questions.

Surely there's a forum for Walts and Wannabe Space Cadets that's more suited to you and you're infantile enthusiasm:ugh:


11th Nov 2014, 22:17
T93 - though you may often come across a little 'wet behind the ears', I for one don't doubt your sincerity until you prove otherwise.

So, ignore the pompous armchair Generals on here with those large pieces of 2 x 4 on their shoulders and crack on mate. It is, after all, a free and open forum where you are entitled to express opinion and ask questions relating to Military Aircrew.

Anyway, well done "The Goldstars" and a safe return home for some well-earned leave! :D:D

11th Nov 2014, 22:33
Agree 100% with MSOCS.
Such harsh put downs of new members, who are just showing a little enthusiasm, are not acceptable.

Robert Cooper
12th Nov 2014, 02:14
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and inexperience.

Or so someone said!

Bob C

12th Nov 2014, 04:35

The Tornados might be back, but there are still RAF personnel in Afghanistan, in various NATO appointments and training missions. Yes, and well done for celebrating their safe return

12th Nov 2014, 05:13
Typhoon 93 ....There's some touchy Prix on here. Keep your head down.

12th Nov 2014, 05:42
"Military Aviation A forum for the professionals who fly military hardware. Also for the backroom boys and girls who support the flying and maintain the equipment, and without whom nothing would ever leave the ground. All armies, navies and air forces of the world equally welcome here."

Exactly where does that suggest that T93 is welcome?

12th Nov 2014, 06:22
Fair point tourist, if everyone followed that paragraph to the letter then all the ex mil aren't welcome either.

Chris Kebab
12th Nov 2014, 07:33
Yea, but come on fabs there is a big difference, and I think you know it. I'm a pretty relaxed chap but even I'm finding Typhoon93's input scattered all over this forum a tad painful. He's become pretty polarising it seems - he's not related to Admin Guru is he, with apologies to recent arrivals who may not have come across him!

12th Nov 2014, 08:03
"Why are they in echelon-port (8:4) ? Couldn't the photographer fit them all in any other way ?"

More to the point - how did they all fit into that one aircraft? :}

12th Nov 2014, 10:23

My advice to you is just read the threads.

Do you really need to post? Is posting really going to change / achieve anything?

There has been many occasions when I was going to post a reply but then had second thoughts when I realised its not needed. To the extreme where I had my comment wrote out and about to press submit, but then pressed the back arrow instead.

T93 are you aware about OPSEC with regards to openly advertising troop movements to anyone ? Aircraft have been fired at on take off / approach... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Baghdad_DHL_attempted_shootdown_incident

12th Nov 2014, 11:19
Let's not pretend OPSEC is an issue here. People have become miffed at T93s Tiggerish enthusiasm.

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

12th Nov 2014, 11:42
As to T93's suitability to post on this forum, let me draw your attention to its title/aims:

"Military Aviation A forum for the professionals who fly military hardware. Also for the backroom boys and girls who support the flying and maintain the equipment, and without whom nothing would ever leave the ground. All armies, navies and air forces of the world equally welcome here."

Nuff said.

12th Nov 2014, 11:51
People have become miffed at T93s Tiggerish enthusiasm. His posts do appear to wave a red flag at some people who, I would have thought, were mature and understanding enough to just let him have his say.
He's doing no harm and he's not offensive.

Exactly where does that suggest that T93 is welcome?
Tourist and KG86
Under those guidelines then, are you suggesting that the likes of Danny42C are not welcome either?:rolleyes:

It's only a bloody forum FFS, not some exclusive club.

12th Nov 2014, 16:15
Goudie, are you really comparing Danny to Typhoon93?

I can see what Danny, and others, bring to the table, even though, like myself, are no longer serving.

What exactly is it that the the wider community get from the postings of Typhoon93?

He really ought to be content with being allowed to read the thoughts of (mostly) military aviation people, past and present, and leave it at that. Until such time as he has something to contribute, he'd do better to keep his head down. He's been told so, in a number of ways, by quite a few posters but he's ignoring that advice. Whether that's in order to provoke discussion or as a result of his mental illness is hard to establish.

Either way, I can't see how it advances his stated aim of becoming a Typhoon Pilot.

Advice needed for aspiring RAF pilot
Hi all,

I am in my early 20's now and am fascinated with aircraft, and wanted to be a fast jet pilot in the RAF. I understand this is a pipe dream for many and a reality for few.

Academia wise, I am working on becoming better at mathematics and once I have re-took that qualification next year I will be going back to college to do my A levels for initial officer training if I am selected. I'll also be hitting the gym to be in a good physical shape.

Unfortunately I wear glasses (but can switch to contacts) - will this be a problem?

Can anybody offer any advice on how to sell myself to the Forces as and when I am ready to stand a better chance of passing the aptitude tests at the Forces recruitment office to get the opportunity to do the flying aptitude test at Cranwell? Activities that are desired? Previous flying experience?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If the RAF and the possibility of being selected to fly fast jets is a problem, then what about AAC or FAA?

Thank you.

Mental health took over when I was in my mid teens although now I have started to get back on my feet and I want to change my life. It affected me badly in exams and since Maths GCSE's are now 100% exam-based and have been since around 2008-2009, that is why I failed it. Unfortunately I couldn't help my health at that time, it's a struggle but now I am able, I want to go for it.

12th Nov 2014, 17:00
Given that our young friend has suffered childhood asthma and astigmatism, (see OASC thread posts 866 onwards) in addition to his mental-health issues, might we cut him a little slack as his aspirations disappear over the horizon?

12th Nov 2014, 17:20
What do you suggest, diginagain? A whip-round to buy him MS Flight Sim and a multi-function controller?

The reality seems to be ...

1. Asthma. So that's endex for aircrew, isn't it?
2. Contact lenses. I staffed the approval for contact lenses for aircrew to ACAS, so I assume that's a partial solution to the ocular problem.
3. Mental health. Tricky, Really tricky.
4. Twittering on PPRuNe. Self-control would help. [see 3.]

12th Nov 2014, 18:29
The e-bullying on PPRuNe these days is quite sickening.

Leave him alone.

12th Nov 2014, 18:36
Regardless of T93, I would imagine that most people posting on this thread wouldn't be making their comments in a face-to-face discussion in the bar - unless very well fuelled. But I guess that's social media these days. I agree BEagle.

12th Nov 2014, 18:37
"Military Aviation A forum for the professionals who fly military hardware. Also for the backroom boys and girls who support
This quote is written in the present tense not the past tense, therefore it would seem to exclude, by definition, anyone who isn't currently serving in the various Air Forces.

I wouldn't dream of comparing Danny with anyone, but the posters who quoted these guidelines, for defining who is and who isn't 'entitled' to post here unwittingly included people such as Danny, and many others including you and me!
I used Danny as an example because what a loss his posts would be if these posters insisted these guidelines were strictly adhered to. Not to mention the 'Fat Albert' thread.
I read most threads here and I get fed up having to trawl through sarcastic or otherwise responses to T93's posts when all is required is to ignore what he says if you don't like it. OK so he has never worn a uniform but I guess a few other posters here, haven't either
Why anyone would want to put down a young lad in his position, because he's seen as an intrusion is beyond me. The people who do, IMHO must have an exaggerated sense of their own importance on this forum, or have nothing better to do!

And getting back on the OP'S thread, welcome home 31 Sqdn.

12th Nov 2014, 19:11
I entered the hallowed halls of PPRuNe in 2008 ... and was subsequently banned [for Civ aviation postings, I should add] under a different callsign..

My early tentative attempts to post in the Mil Forum were, shall I say, unsuccessful ... I rapidly gained the impression that if you didn't have 5,000 hours FJ or 10,000 Truckie you weren't really welcome. And you had to know the 'mates'. So 30 years as a commissioned RAF ATCO and interesting out-of-Branch MoD posts meant nothing.

Things HAVE changed since then. This Forum has immense value to both the past and the present, and has become significantly more open and welcoming. Various ideas are bounced around, News is announced from surprising corners of the Interweb, and we now seem to all bimble along quite nicely. The Historic aspects are enlightening and enthralling [another nod to Danny42C and significant others].

I do, however, believe that there has to be some restraint on the enthusiasm of those who may seek a career in the RAF, or have an intense interest in Military matters, from the outside.

I think I should stop there before I cause offence.

Finningley Boy
12th Nov 2014, 19:40
More to the point - how did they all fit into that one aircraft? :}

Ok I'll field this 'un, there is, ahem, another aircraft not in shot which some got on board!:}


12th Nov 2014, 19:42
He'd have been on safer ground posting a question about a barbeque. They are sooper important. Apparently.


Willard Whyte
12th Nov 2014, 19:47
You know, 'he' isn't doing any harm. And frankly the reaction to 'his' posts is one of the reasons I'm glad I'm no longer taking the Queen's shilling.

12th Nov 2014, 20:00
First in the Indian Skies, Last in the Afghan Skies.

Welcome home, 31. Hope to see some of you at the 100th Anniversary Reunion next year.

12th Nov 2014, 21:01
Needless denigration - this is not pretty.

Given that T93 opened up about his past mental health issue, it would take a very "special" character-type to seek to cruelly twist that knife.

Courtney Mil
12th Nov 2014, 21:09
Safe trip home, 31. Looking forward hearing all safely home.

My favourite GR Sqn. Thanks again for fixing my F-3 that weekend when I fell upon you in Decci. Great fellas!

13th Nov 2014, 00:59
Mods - Is this kind of bullying allowed on PPrune? Why is this this thread still running?

Disgusting behavior by some forum members.

Its a forum not an exclusive club... w*nkers!!

13th Nov 2014, 04:26
To be fair I'd have expected this on Arrse, not here. Leave the lad alone.

13th Nov 2014, 09:27
Courtney Mil wrote: Thanks again for fixing my F-3 that weekend when I fell upon you in Decci.

Back in 31 Jag days, I'm sure you would probably have phrased that rather differently....:ooh:

13th Nov 2014, 11:32
"Bullying" is such an overused word nowadays.

Criticising someone for their egregious behaviour until they change it or sod off is not bullying in my book.

It's the basic mechanism by which society maintains civilisation.

Roland Pulfrew
13th Nov 2014, 12:19
MPN: 1. Asthma. So that's endex for aircrew, isn't it?

Yep! According to the RAF Website (https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/media/1652/medical-conditions-that-preclude-entry.pdf):

If you suffer from asthma or have done in the past, you cannot be considered for flying branches in the RAF.

Bullying is one of those terms that is now bandied around like "Little Englander", homophobe, racist and bigot to insult or bully people into not expressing their view or to try and "shame" them into not speaking out. :rolleyes:

he's not related to Admin Guru is he Got to say that did cross my mind as well.

Welcome home 31. Hope you get some time off before the next sandy adventure begins.

13th Nov 2014, 12:35
Spineless belle**s criticising someone who is genuinely interested in what we do, give the chap a break. Typical of the mentality of people who will chirp off on this forum but wouldn't say boo to a goose in the mess bar. Just weak...

13th Nov 2014, 12:37
If I was on 31 Sqdn I'd be really, really hacked off that, a 'welcome home' from operational duty, by whoever it was, was hijacked by a bunch of stuffed shirts
who used it to display their personal disapproval of the guy who wrote it. That is deeply disrespectful to the guys and gals who have just been laying their lives on the line
Shameful and in-excusable!

Roland Pulfrew
13th Nov 2014, 13:11
Spineless belle**s Oh the irony
Just weak...
bunch of stuffed shirts
deeply disrespectful
Shameful and in-excusable

I rest my case. :rolleyes: With apologies to 31 Sqn

Pure Pursuit
13th Nov 2014, 17:57
Leon J, MPN11, Tourist me Salad Dodger. I've taken the liberty of reporting you to the moderators for bullying.

None of your posts can be referred to as banter. MPN11, you laid out your credentials as an ex ATCO. I suggest that you consider acting like the adult you claim to be. Your opening post was horrendous, Ill thought out and quite malicious.

Leon J, your posts are normally excellent reading however, on this thread, I'm afraid you've been nothing short of a disgrace.

The other two posters were equally out of order.

Bullying, plain and simple. I think you have all forgotten that young people can and will post on this forum, none of whom can be excepted to have the experience of other forum members.

Mods - why is this thread still active?

T93 - keep your head down and don't be put off by the minority. There are people on here who clearly believe that they have an inherent right to dictate what is posted on here. :mad:

13th Nov 2014, 18:32
Pure Pursuit ... Thank you for your honesty in revealing your RBP. I am completely content with whatever decision the Moderators make on my comments.

They were my personal views, of course, which are normally accepted in debate ... whether others agree is a matter for the individual reader.

13th Nov 2014, 18:37
About 12 years ago, a perhaps rather naïve young lady came to PPRuNe - she then joined the RAF. Some of her innocent questions elicited some very unpleasant and hectoring responses.

Nevertheless, to those of us who gave her the answers to the questions she'd posed without having any dubious intentions, she was very grateful and sent some very kind PMs.

Since then she served in Iraq as a civilian employee after GW2, then joined 'another organisation', married and subsequently had 2 children. Although we've never met, I'm told that I've acquired the title of 'e-uncle'.

So perhaps those who have no time for seemingly naïve questions should simply go elsewhere. Used sensibly and with courtesy, PPRuNe can be a great help to those with less 'hours under their belts' than some of us. But it can also provide a platform for those who prefer to snipe with vitriolic comment from behind the shield of anonymity. I just hope that the latter are in the minority.

13th Nov 2014, 18:48
As a retired wg cdr, I will take the hit, BEagle

This Typhoon97 is all over the place like a rash, talking scribble and saying nothing [or chipping in inappropriately]. It's nothing to do with being supportive to 'exuberant youth' ... it is just bandwidth clutter from a proto-pilot with not the faintest chance of making the cut.

If PPRuNe had the facility to block posters, I would use it, but I haven't found the option.

Sorry if I'm seeming harsh, but this person is just talking gibberish and does't have the faintest idea of what PPRuNe is about. I have again RBP'd Typhoon97.

13th Nov 2014, 18:53
Who is Typhoon97? And what's RBP?


13th Nov 2014, 18:58
RBP = Report Bad Post ... the traffic signal in the bottom left corner.

Lima Juliet
13th Nov 2014, 19:06
Leon J, your posts are normally excellent reading however, on this thread, I'm afraid you've been nothing short of a disgrace.

PP - are you on drugs old stick? You're sanctioning me for enquiring why someone wanted to know operationally and strategically sensistive information? And then for refusing to comment on these matters by explaining that it's "not a game"?

Report away, either way it won't change my opinion and though I cannot see how my 2 posts in this thread can be seen as a "disgrace"..:ok:

que sera sera


Roland Pulfrew
13th Nov 2014, 19:34
If PPRuNe had the facility to block posters, I would use it, but I haven't found the option.

MPN it does. Click on User CP (top left of page). You will find an option for your ignore list. Add Typhoon93. Simples!

Just This Once...
13th Nov 2014, 19:34
I have no need / will / right to comment on the sentiment expressed to T93 by others, their opinion is just that.

As for my own, well the chap has been given quite a lot of leeway, quite a bit of guidance and some hard advice; yet his banal posts have spread like a tidal-wave over the forum. Having not heeded any advice from those he wishes to serve with on a forum not designed for wannabes he has upset the flow. I am heartened that so many have been so patient with him but how far does this go?

The Mil Aircrew Forum is not held under a lock like some other sub-forums, nor would I wish it to be come so, but it cannot be allowed to drown under wannabes either. T93 posts have had an unusually corrosive effect and seems completely unfazed or embarrassed by this. Most of us self-moderate but this chap has yet to develop this ability and he is unable to recognise a hint in any shape or form.

13th Nov 2014, 19:51
I haven't criticised T93 in this thread yet I do agree with some of the comments about his, err, enthusiasm. I did have a slight go at him (and felt a little bad) over his FOI request regarding medal recognition for the present Op in Iraq; not because the FOI directly affected me, but I was losing my only rest day in dealing with an on-going enquiry that is working to similar FOI deadlines, principally because of other curious (but uninvolved) minds.

At best T93's post can be a little annoying; other times he seems pretty genuine and interested in what the RAF does. Hopefully, if he's reading this thread he'll realise where the lines to cross are. Thank God, we haven't descended anywhere near the level that ARRSE dropped to; I no longer contribute there because of this.

13th Nov 2014, 20:01
As with anyone else, you can choose to switch off T93 or just plain ignore him if you don't care for what he says. As for the bandwidth issue, it's being clogged far more by the discussion of T93's posts than by the posts themselves. And I guess I'm guilty of adding to that!

However, anyone that makes a post to welcome home what has ALWAYS been the Premier Tornado squadron can't be all that bad, in my opinion.

(One more thing; it's the Military AVIATION forum...)

Finningley Boy
13th Nov 2014, 20:10
However, anyone that makes a post to welcome home what has ALWAYS been the Premier Tornado squadron can't be all that bad, in my opinion.

Come along PregrineW, 9 Squadron surely! They even had a city and its associated marvel super hero named after them!! Now how peachy is that!!!;)


13th Nov 2014, 20:21
FB, you are of course entitled to your erroneous opinion. :)

Finningley Boy
13th Nov 2014, 20:32
Holy Smoke!


13th Nov 2014, 21:13
Pure Pursuit. Thank you for letting me know. For what it's worth on my background, I too am ex-RAF, but still intimately involved in many areas of military and civil aviation.

The Military Forum has changed a lot over the years I have been involved. But it is still a great forum and the contributions from such a wide range of backgrounds make it what it is. But in my opinion, and it seems that of quite a few others too, it does not benefit from wannabes.

I may be wrong, but I think there is a reason that the moderators have allowed this thread to continue.


Thelma Viaduct
13th Nov 2014, 21:22
This thread says more about the state of mentality of T93's 'attackers', than that of the young gentleman himself.

To pull out his medical history and use it as a tool to belittle him is beneath contempt.

A wing commander losing the plot over a young lad on an internet forum, you couldn't make it up, leader of men..........my arse. :mad:

(edit) wannabes, who are you to decide whether someone is 'fit' to post, arrogant prick!!!

13th Nov 2014, 21:27
Getting ugly again.

Young lad,slightly annoying wanting to interact with people with experience of a world which fascinates him.

And they rip him to shreds.

Well done .

13th Nov 2014, 21:29
Oh the irony of you PP describing someone as arrogant :ugh: