View Full Version : Delta 294 emergency landing Iwojime

10th Nov 2014, 10:21
Japanese press reporting Flight 294 Kansai to Guam reported engine trouble at 10,000m and made a very rare landing for a passenger plane at the Self-Defence Forces air strip on Iwo Jima, (Iwo-To as it is now called in Japan). 1:00 pm, Oct 9th. 757-200
171 people, no injuries reported.

Yahoo!???? - ?????????????????????????????? ?????? (http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20141110-00000099-jij-soci)
関西国際空港発グアム行きのデルタ航空機が9日、太平洋上でエンジントラブルを起こし、硫黄島(東京都小笠原村)にある海上自衛 隊硫黄島航空基地に緊急着陸していたことが10日、国土交通省への取材で分かった。乗客乗員171人にけがはなかった。同基地に 民間機が着陸するのは極めてまれという。
 国交省によると、デルタ航空294便(ボーイング757―200型機)は9日午前10時15分ごろ関空を離陸。高度約1万メー トルを飛行中の午後0時25分ごろ、硫黄島の南南東約450キロで左エンジンに不具合が起き、約30分後に最も近い同基地に着陸 した。 

10th Nov 2014, 11:10
On Japan's News 47 they report that as 163 passengers had already been processed through passport control out of Japan, they could not leave the plane on Iwo Jima, and had to remain on-board for 9 hours waiting for a replacement flight.

11th Nov 2014, 00:29
According to this article in the Asahi, the plane is still there awaiting a spare engine. Earlier they reported the passengers had to stay on the idled plane for 9 hours but here it says they waited six hours for the replacement flight to land and a further three before they finally took off at 9:35pm. The reason given by Delta for no permission to disembark is now quoted as 'inclement weather' and 'lack of available facilities'. This is the first time in 11 years that a civilian passenger flight has landed there.

Normally a flight will make for the nearest base with support staff, but in this case they were mid-Pacific so chose land at Iwo Jima and had to fly Delta maintenance staff out from Narita, according to the Sankei news group.

Asahi ??????????????????????????????????? (http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASGCB672QGCBUTIL038.html)

デルタ航空によると、基地内に乗客が待つ場所がないうえ、悪天候もあり、機内で待機させたが、体調を崩した人はいなかった。エン ジン交換のためトラブル機は硫黄島に残している。