View Full Version : Looking for a little guidance

9th Nov 2014, 09:29
G'day Everyone,
As the title suggests, I'm a little lost and need some advice. I'm a 270 hour CPL with a CSU endo. All my time has been on 172s' and all the work I have done so far has been local charters...basically scenics and some aerial photography. I'm only doing it casually (since sept 2012) and work another job in an unrelated industry full time. I desperately want to progress into a full time position flying but I can't decide on what's best for the next step. Should I go and get my MECIR now (passed IREX earlier this year) and do my ATPL theory as well? The difficulty is that I am going to need to take time off to do both of those or either...6 weeks for the atpl and by the sounds of things ...about the same for the MECIR. Trying to get that sort of time off from my day job is hard. Is it worth me doing my MECIR now? at only 270 hours?
Or should I just apply for VFR jobs and gain more experience first?
Anyone who has the time to drop me a line here that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everybody

gear up job
10th Nov 2014, 09:05
Hi Lad,

I would say continue working hard as a casual and build more experience and hrs. Once you hit the 500hr mark then do your MECIR and ATPL subjects. Maybe by then your current work place would be favourable for your to take the leave needed.

Doing MECIR and ATPL subjects is no issue. It just needs $$$ and time. It's about placing yourself more competitive than your peers once your acquire them. As you mentioned " i want to progress into a full time position flying"

10th Nov 2014, 09:43
G'day Gear up Job,
Thanks for taking the time to chip in. Unfortunately at my current rate it's likely to take me another 2-3 years to get to 500hrs and at age 29 I don't really feel I've got that kind of time to burn up. I'm actually ready for long service leave at my current day job so that's why I am getting itchy for change and to get cracking with more flying.

18th Nov 2014, 05:35
Ii'm in a similar position, if I were you I'd save like a madman for 6 months and then apply yourself fully.