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View Full Version : Project Orbis Fleet

8th Nov 2014, 21:32
EDIT: I've done a bit more digging and found some more information out.

I remember reading the press announcements a few years ago when FedEx donated an MD-10 (N301FE) to Orbis but haven't heard anything since.

Anyone know if it's still happening last I heard it was due for service in 2012? It's now 2014. According to Airfleets N301FE became N330AU.

This is the old girl sat in Victorville in 2013 looking worse for wear. She flew in from Shannon in 2012:

In that photo she has no engines, but I seem to recall the news being that she would use engines donated from United?

I guess they came from N1853U, which is also registered to Orbis and has been sat at Goodyear for years:

Orbis also seems to have a DC-10-30 registered to them, N810AX. It came from Omni Air and is sat in Victorville too:

Maybe cannibalised for spares for their new MD-10?

So as it stands, Orbis own(ed) 3 non-flying DC-10s, and are still flying the old N220AU, which was the second bird off the production line!

Can anyone shed some light on this?

9th Nov 2014, 08:46
A simple google search came up with this !


9th Nov 2014, 09:29
Ah dammit, feel silly for not finding that but I searched high and low and it didn't come up.

Thanks for that though, things seem to be moving along nicely.