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7th Nov 2014, 19:03
RAF forced to deny that pilot drew giant PENIS is the sky over military base - Mirror Online (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/raf-forced-deny-pilot-drew-4588732) :D

7th Nov 2014, 19:06
I should say a load of old cock if you ask me. ;)

7th Nov 2014, 19:21
in the sky ?

Can't they even be bothered to spellcheck headlines these days?

7th Nov 2014, 19:40
I seem to remember reading a time recently where I believe this was done over Chivenor? During an AFI some years ago. Was it about Hunters ? Hunter Boys perhaps. However, having resided in west Cumbria for some years, this looks like a bit of a tanker racetrack pattern, with fighters circling in and out of contact. I'm sure the experts will be along to explain, I'm not one.


7th Nov 2014, 19:46
There's always a bit of a drawback on a slow news day

Dan Gerous
7th Nov 2014, 19:47
It was done at Lossie back in the 70's on AOC's day. 77or 78.

7th Nov 2014, 20:38
One possible explanation is a target aircraft flying out then back (larger loop), with the interceptor aircraft doing a stern conversion for a visual ident (smaller loop).
Hard to judge scale, but 180x4 mile offset or 180x8 mile for the interceptor used to be standard.
Standard AD training profile, useful for QRA scenarios.

A similar pattern would occur for aircraft joining a tanker, but I can't recall ever doing this in an airfield overhead.

A proper cock and balls could be done by the target aircraft doing an orbit at the end of the out-and-back run, whilst still in the trail layer. Not that I have ever done that. Over Skegness. Oh, no.

7th Nov 2014, 20:42
Now if 43 were at Lossie. :ok::ok:

Courtney Mil
7th Nov 2014, 20:47
Fox3, I was about to say that I once turned 180 to the right, but now I've read your totally unlikely explanation, I have decided that the Mirror has it right. She was just drawing a giant cock in the sky. And why not? The British tax payers get what they pay for.

7th Nov 2014, 21:03
I thought this was going to be another Salmond thread.

Courtney Mil
7th Nov 2014, 21:06
That's OK, Tash. I thought it was going to more amazingly fantastic news about F-35.

7th Nov 2014, 22:15
Ideal for a caption competition.

7th Nov 2014, 22:34
Ever since eyewitnesses spotted the bizarre sight and took pictures, speculation has spread that a pilot has been severely reprimanded by his bosses.

Assuming that's true, isn't there a sense of humour any more?

7th Nov 2014, 22:57
Done by an FJ pilot?

A selfie, surely ;)

Rhino power
7th Nov 2014, 23:39
speculation has spread that a pilot has been severely reprimanded by his bosses
Assuming that's true, isn't there a sense of humour any more?

Why would you even assume it's true? Given that it's just 'speculation' (the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence) and the 'source' of this complete and utter bull$hit non-story!


8th Nov 2014, 00:08
I think response should have been "No, they were spraying Chemtrails" and leave it like that.

8th Nov 2014, 00:46
RP, perhaps I should have used a better word. *If that's true.....

I did laugh when thinking about the possible very one-sided conversation with his OC, if this shape was his intention....

Finningley Boy
8th Nov 2014, 06:29
She was just drawing a giant cock in the sky. And why not?

CM Reckons it's true and that's good enough for me?:ok:


The Old Fat One
8th Nov 2014, 07:28
It was done at Lossie back in the 70's on AOC's day. 77or 78.

I saw that one...how we laughed.

Why would you even assume it's true?

errrr...because there is a photograph of a giant symbolic cock in the sky drawn with a jet's contrails?

8th Nov 2014, 07:39
Sky willies aren't that new.

Back when we had an air force of a size worthy of the title, some weekend warrior of the RAuxAF drew an impressive one which gently drifted in the direction of Edinburgh.

Some local god-botherer rang the station to mention this obscene doodle heading towards the god-fearing population and demanded that Something Be Done.

So the RAuxAF squadron boss ordered a battle climb for his pilots, who formed in to line abreast and flew through the offending image. Then with some deft formation manoeuvring they flew through it again at 90° to the original track, before returning to base.

So instead of a slowly dissipating sky willy, which might not have been noticed by many, there was now a large crossed-out version which certainly would have been. The reaction of the god-botherer was not recorded!

During my time at Valley, I heard that the boss of the Hunter squadron had drawn an impressive sky willy during an SCT trip - which then headed off towards Manchester....

99 Change Hands
8th Nov 2014, 07:40
Mine doesn't look like that. Since I'm the only one to make this observation, should I be going to see the Doc?

Martin the Martian
8th Nov 2014, 08:31
I'm surprised nobody has said that journalists are a right bunch of dicks yet. Still, is there an inverse ratio thing about the size of a drawn willy in the sky and-

Oh, my coat! Thank you!

8th Nov 2014, 11:00
It was done at
Lossie back in the 70's on AOC's day. 77or 78.
I saw that one...how we laughed.

With an AEW Shack;)

8th Nov 2014, 11:01
Must be a Farage of imagination!!

8th Nov 2014, 13:14
You really need persistent trails and you can add a couple of orbits at one end. Oh! the fun we had and the Queen's avtur we used in those far off days trying to achieve a work of art with our Hunters. (Think Chivenor) The local North Devonians were very blasé.

8th Nov 2014, 19:04
I tried to say this sounds like a cock and bull story but the software translated it into a type of dog and bull story (as you can see). So I tried "cock" and bull story and it seemed to work but now it seems pointless why am I bothering?

Rgds SOS