View Full Version : Murder in WanChai

5th Nov 2014, 16:03
Perhaps it isn't an aviation issue - but since other political/environmental factors in Hong Kong are often discussed here I hope the moderators will allow this to pass.
The matter of the gruesome murders of two young women here ought to at least deserve a mention.

What bugs me is the ongoing Visa Fraud that is allowed to openly continue in Hong Kong. These two girls were forced into prostitution by their dire circumstances, and wealthy 'upright' 'law abiding' Hong Kong is guilty of contributing to their demise by turning a blind eye.

I know a guy who signed a false' maid contract' with an Indonesian girl. Apparently it's common. He gives her a fictitious 'job' - and she in return gives him free sex, on call, day or night. I call this sex trafficking. But he's another wnkr banker and doesn't give a fck. She isn't even paid. And get this - she's GRATEFUL. In fact she hero worships her savior. Because without his help she'd still be slaving as a helper.
But what to do?
Is it right to let it continue? Would it do her more harm to report it?
After this last few days I'm in a massive dilemma.

Maybe you long timers here can tell me what you would do.

5th Nov 2014, 16:11
Dilemma about what exactly?

Whether to be a busybody sticking your nose into other people's business. And where those people are happy with the situation - your words.

Pull your head out of your backside and see the real world.

Most ridiculous thread ever.

5th Nov 2014, 16:20
Hmmm. Funny reaction.
So you're ok with human trafficking and sexual exploitation? Just look away, yeah? Amazing. And sick.

By the way - the dilemma has nothing to do with the banker. If it wasn't for her I'd shop him in in a heartbeat.

Not a mention of the fate of the girls either. Do you give a damn?
Just look away, eh.

5th Nov 2014, 16:50
Would it do her more harm to report it?

Yes, it probably would.

What is your motive for wanting to get involved in what is obviously an amicable arrangement between other two adults?

5th Nov 2014, 16:58
Because if something happens to her - either by that guys hand, or another - I'll have contributed to it by my silence.
And by the way - she may feel grateful, but it's the kind of gratitude a slave feels for a slaver who doesn't beat her. A form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Furthermore, I come from a civilized country, where sex slavery and abuse of women isn't passed over with the blink of an eye. Forgive me for having a sense of right, and a moral compass.
What a morally corrupt pair you are. You've lived here too long.

Gemini Twin
5th Nov 2014, 19:29
Algol why ask us if you are so firmly believe it is wrong. Do what your heart tells you, don't jump on contributors just because you don't like the answers. Did you want see scores of responses saying what a fine upstanding chap you are? I think you are a bit of a chump for asking actually.

5th Nov 2014, 19:52
"I come from a civilised country..." Lucky you, Algol. Sadly, millions live in places you wouldn't consider civilised. And that forces some terribly difficult choices on them. But they're still choices. So you follow your precious moral compass. Your banker will be in a world of trouble, the girl will be deported to poverty, where she'll still be pressured to have sex with people she'd prefer not to, but you'll be bathed in the glow of the righteous.

5th Nov 2014, 20:21
ShotOne, precisely my thoughts, too.

Algol, I've been where too long? Where do you think I live? It's not where you obviously think.

You seem to be adept at jumping to incorrect conclusions. You asked a question, which has a yes or no answer, as if you were genuinely asking for guidance. I gave my opinion, without saying why and you immediately call me morally corrupt?

Get off the high horse of self-righteousness, you pompous oaf. See ShotOne's post above and think what you might precipitate. If the girl is happy, do not confuse your own sense of morals for the correct thing to do.

Curtain rod
5th Nov 2014, 21:40
It's obviously far from trafficking or slavery if the adult lady volunteered for and is happy with her situation and choices.

Why not let the grown ups make their own choices that don't affect you?

If you're trying to save everyone, you're going to have to open your eyes a whole lot wider: How many arranged marriages can you report and fix and save some girl from? Or marriages of convenience, or family pressure, or pregnancy, or financial need? Or unwanted children? Or runaways from abuse? Or overworked against the law? Or underpaid against the law? Or discriminated against for any of 100 reasons? Or innocent children brainwashed with their parents' religion? Or band members, waitresses and hostesses who must endure a smoke-filled environment? Or pilots who breathe recycled, contaminated air in flight while being zapped with unknown levels of dangerous radiation? Etc.

5th Nov 2014, 23:35
What the banker and the Indonesian are doing is simple prostitution. He pays for sex by getting her a work permit and by definition if she's happy with her remuneration then it's not slavery. It's the oldest profession in the world and you're not going to stop it.
Are you married?

crwkunt roll
6th Nov 2014, 00:26
Maybe CX will start a low cost airline to help the said women get to and from HKG, then this thread may have something to do with Aviation.:E

6th Nov 2014, 01:26
Yes.... CX is the main supplier with three times daily flights from JKT as well as SUB and DPS.... 1500 seats per day.....
keep up the good work....


6th Nov 2014, 01:46
Algor and the rest of you religious self righteous hypocrites. What's the difference between you employing her at absolute minimum wages to clean your family's s×it every day and me using her services once to clean my D!ck. Oh i forgot you've termed it "Maid Contract", makes it acceptable. :confused::confused:

wheels up
6th Nov 2014, 05:09
Since the beginning of time attractive women have used sex as a tool to extract material gain from men. Since the beginning of time men have used their wealth and influence to have sex with pretty girls - rich guy / famous guy - pretty girl - sound familiar? What's the difference really.

Ever walked around Wanchai and been physically dragged into a bar, plied with cheap alcohol to wither your resolve, while scantily clad girls sit on your lap and try to get you to buy them exorbitantly priced drinks and possibly more - who's actually being exploited here?

nick murry
6th Nov 2014, 06:50

Sorry dude

You seriously would of had more luck posting this whinge in the dunnunda forum and not in "fragrant fingers" :}

6th Nov 2014, 07:15
Actually....who the f*** cares?

This type of stuff and worse happens all over the world every day, every hour.

self righteous twit.

6th Nov 2014, 07:27
Far worse goes in Dubai and on a greater scale. I notice very little righteous indignation about that.

White None
6th Nov 2014, 07:34
This type of stuff and worse happens all over the world every day, every hour. You're absolutely right - but not by me! Perhaps Algol you can rejoice in the fact that you haven't been here long enough to regard this as normal, or maybe you have, but have maintained the entirely normal, decent human reaction of being shocked or bewildered, or conflicted when you consider this subject. Its a sad fact of life that in Hong Kong, behavior which most people would regard as unconscionable becomes, 'normalised'. If people around you are doing it, it must be OK right? but how many of you out there who 'join in' have had a twinge of doubt. Having the Craic about it in the Wanch or on Prune is one thing; do you still feel like the big guy telling your mates back where you came from or your Family, or don't you share with them for some unknown reason. Will you be proud of yourself when you have a daughter?

"Oldest Profession" is just the Oldest Excuse. Give to Charity, Pay your Maid more, Get a life - you know who you are.

Not Religious, don't have a "Maid", and no I'm not "Just Sayin", I judge you.

6th Nov 2014, 07:54
Henry - is that you?

White None
6th Nov 2014, 08:05

6th Nov 2014, 08:47
The murder in WanChai was the (alleged) act of an evil criminal with possible substance issues. There are evil criminals all over the world and they should be stopped and punished. This has nothing to do with Prostitution other than it might have happened TO prostitutes--and could have been a serial killer or murderer anywhere. Murder is wrong, should be severely punished, and that is that. Whether it happens to a prostitute or a pilot or anyone else.

As far as contracting sex for money it boggles me that anyone would think this wrong. Been done since the beginning of time (where women--and to be fair even men--would exchange their favors for food and other resources)--and in many forms (if a rich 75 year old marries an attractive 30 year old in a marriage contract what would this be for other than sex and companionship ? And what right does anyone have to condemn it ?). Absent overt threats of force and coersion, or underage issues, "sex trafficing" or "slavery" does not exist--so long as either party can enter and leave the situation with full knowledge of what it's about and it is devoid of physical violence or threats of physical violence. Being 'civilized' has nothing to do with it other than give some self-serving hypocrite something to crow about. 'Civilized' prostitution happens too in many forms. The only difference in maybe being what kind of dress and shoes are worn, and what kind of setting it happens within.

For the cited example, what's inherently wrong with someone contracting and keeping an individual as a paid mistress ? And why (if well treated relatively speaking--and free to make her own choices and leave) would she not be grateful if it's a mutually beneficial business (and possibly emotional) relationship ? There are many worse jobs out there and she is making a choice in her chosen profession. Many work manual labor jobs in desparate conditions worldwide--maybe she finds a sex job far preferable to doing this and may even if gifted turn a profit. Through this many women (and men) can better their economic situation, build houses, go through school or have their kids attend a decent school, etc.--just like any other job.

Through history (and in Japan) being an entertainer (which sometimes involved simple companionship--and sometimes involved sex) was though of as a revered profession. Why would our frame outlook deny things like this or adversely judge those participating in it. Just because it doesn't fit OUR particular moral code doesn't make it wrong. In some cases we've MADE it seedy by placing an arbitrary (and often hypocritical moral code) upon it.

Hedo Rick
6th Nov 2014, 13:22
GEN - Y light weight pussies

Whats wrong with youngsters these days? They can't even handle a decent 3 day bender in the Chai!