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3rd Nov 2014, 05:17
If we as pilots screw up and get called into the office it is marked as duty (IV) in our rosters. Cabin crew on the other hand seem to be called in frequently on their days off, even during required ULR rest, without any record of it. Is this legal?

3rd Nov 2014, 06:13
I (personally) don't think it is but the cabin crew are all too terrified to say or do anything about it. Until they stand up for themselves and say, "No, I won't come in on a day off (especially a legally required day off)." nothing will change. Heck, they won't even call in sick when they can barely stand up.

I'm not entirely blaming the crew for this- it is exactly the scenario their management have worked very hard to cultivate.

3rd Nov 2014, 09:29
I may not be correct but, if the said IV dies not effect the nights rest 's required it can't still be done on ULR rest days, including res

3rd Nov 2014, 09:55

Are you saying you would not come in on a day off if called for tea and biscuits?

From what I'm hearing from several sources, the cabin crew are indeed starting to stand up to EK by leaving… to the tune of 900 per month! Have flown with several FG1's who were not happy that the Nov roster had them flying as G2's the entire month and after asking why, were told because we have a shortage of G2s.

Just what I've heard from the crews…


3rd Nov 2014, 10:02
The preferred option for pilots is to come in on a day off if it's not a serious complaint made against you. If HR are involved they will make it an IV because they know people are watching, even if it's only HR who are on side. But don't worry it won't affect your roster because they make sure they pick the right DAY OFF to convert to an IV.

If they ask you to come in on a day off, tell them you're only available on Friday. If they take you off a flight for an IV then you probably have bigger things to worry about.

3rd Nov 2014, 10:14
I may not be correct but, if the said IV dies not effect the nights rest 's required it can't still be done on ULR rest days, including res

Yeah, I was thinking along similar lines. Can you be rostered for duty (like DOH day turn) immediately following a ULR as long as it does not infringe the required local night's, or is unbroken rest INCLUDING the 2/3 local nights required?

harry the cod
3rd Nov 2014, 18:12
On a similar note, I do know for a fact that the cabin crew are going for the fatigue reports big time. There is a real push amongst pursers for crew to fill in these forms and they're being submitted in increasingly large numbers. Numbers needed for next 4-5 years are around 8000 new cabin crew. With 1000 now leaving for every new 2000 that join, that would mean a recruitment target of over 12,000 in 4 years. That's 2/3rd of our current cc workforce recruited in 48 months, give or take.

Now that will be interesting to watch!


4th Nov 2014, 07:02

The standards and pay will be raised so there is a step change for the better to compensate.......

4th Nov 2014, 08:28
I'll believe that when I see it.

Snake man
4th Nov 2014, 09:46

"Dissatisfaction of the workers with their treatment by the management is to be counted among the most important causes of low morale, for it is common knowledge that men tend to hold back and to do little as possible for those against whom they feel a grievance."

Sumner H. Slichter

Interesting studies in the field of worker morale indicate that although wage cuts will lead to lower morale, equivalent wage increases do not improve morale.....that requires a change of management.

4th Nov 2014, 12:00
Morale is apparently not an issue in EK.

According to the SVP of a certain department, which shall remain nameless although its initials are "training department"......quote "morale is cyclical therefore we're not going to do anything about it".

I wonder how that policy is working for said individual right about now?

4th Nov 2014, 12:06
We don't seem to be too far away (if, of course, we aren't there already) from the bottom of the cycle. Good to see that Terry and Kev are sharing their "insights" with us mere minions.....

4th Nov 2014, 12:12
Kev's blog? Yes, heard about that from the cabin crew.

Sounds more like something "Dear Leader" would publish from Pyongyang.

4th Nov 2014, 15:38
Snake, it's called irony!

10th Nov 2014, 22:22
Even better, if so 'lucky' as to get tea no bikkies with manager, the meeting is usually scheduled for as early as possible on that day off...just to make you feel even more 'special' and a fair chance it will be after a late arrival in DXB!

They tried it once for me and I replied that since it was my rostered REST day I would be in breach of my minimum rest if I was 'required' in the office....

Nada except an email to reschedule. You just have to know how to play their game..

harry the cod
12th Nov 2014, 07:58

For the record, TD is a DSVP. That's one hell of a pay grade for that old goat to give up. He's stuck in the middle ages and is in it for himself. If the cabin crew get an increase, and I doubt it very much, it will literally be peanuts.

What the Company needs to do is start treating them like adults and human beings, rather than robots. TD is filtering feedback, even from other VP's and his managers so that he can eek out another few years of big pay and bonus before he retires. The chaos he created will become all too obvious when he eventually departs!

It's so messed up in that department, it's not funny.


12th Nov 2014, 08:07
Sorry Harry, my humour was obviously lost in translation there....

When I said the initials were "training department", I was actually referring to the Training Department. :)