View Full Version : Instructor opportunities in Asia?

30th Oct 2014, 16:36
I'm currently working in the USA as an instructor (PPL,CPL,IR and soon ME).
I have both FAA and EASA certificates and will have somewhere around 1500-1700h before I get bored here.

How are the opportunities for instructors in asia? A lot of demand? Good or bad pay? How is the quality of the schools?

The reason I'm asking is that I havent been able to find any good information on the subject.

2nd Nov 2014, 17:18
Thanks for the informative reply!

I'll be breaking 1000h in the coming week and I'm already just above 500h instruction given so that should be no issue.

As for the pay, do you have any approximate numbers?

Here in the US I make around 2000USD a month which is really low considering that I have to pay for everything myself.

3rd Nov 2014, 12:28
Good Day

Is indonesia for people with contacts or people with money or for people with both. Would like to know your opinion

Warm regards

4th Nov 2014, 01:18
Thanks for your reply. How about any domestic operating airlines?


5th Nov 2014, 21:53
training wheels----->

Experienced being over 500h instruction given?

8th Nov 2014, 00:43
training wheels

Roger. Then I can count myself as a semi experienced instructor as I just hit 1000h :)

Do you know if FAA or EASA certificates are preferred?
I currently hold EASA FI and FAA CFI/CFII.
Any use getting easa IRI and CRI for ME?

south 1983
4th Jun 2016, 13:20
Don't go to any of this schools. Flybest the wrost by far. All the westerns stay there less than one year and there are runing away.
Insults, yellings, work abuse is normal. They going to force you to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, if you are complaining they going to fıre you.

Love PanAm
5th Jun 2016, 10:29
Don't go to any of this schools. Flybest the wrost by far. All the westerns stay there less than one year and there are runing away.
Insults, yellings, work abuse is normal. They going to force you to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, if you are complaining they going to fıre you.

Not really true.

jubjub bird
14th Jun 2016, 01:06
Don't go to any of this schools. Flybest the wrost by far. All the westerns stay there less than one year and there are runing away.
Insults, yellings, work abuse is normal. They going to force you to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, if you are complaining they going to fıre you.

The only one that did that regularly is gone back to her country, no more flying bags and slamming doors. I guess prozac is cheaper in Spain.

16th Jun 2016, 05:29
The only person that force to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week and ıs sendıng Wapp 24 hours a days ıs the actual CFI.
So yes, go to flybest to work, the best place ın the world

16th Jun 2016, 10:52
Indonesia and Flybest realıze that whıte pılots flyıng there are the left overs of the westen countıres. For that reason they fıred 8 westerns ın 2 years, few westens left...

Lufthansa dıd a good job applyıng hıgher standards for EASA pılots, so they keep some europeans out of the hıs skyes, for some, the only optıon left ıs Indonesıa

16th Jun 2016, 15:21
Quote"""Indonesia and Flybest realıze that whıte pılots flyıng there are the left overs of the westen countıres. For that reason they fıred 8 westerns ın 2 years, few westens left.

What,because they are, WHITE,or from WESTERN countries ????,or both

jubjub bird
18th Jun 2016, 05:17
Indonesia and Flybest realıze that whıte pılots flyıng there are the left overs of the westen countıres. For that reason they fıred 8 westerns ın 2 years, few westens left...

Sorry, but not everyone dreams of airlines. I quit airline flying in the west to fly Indonesia.... The only 'left over' was the one that couldn't pass her airline interview due to mental issues.....

20th Jun 2016, 07:49
That person flew the 70% of Flybest TFT in the last year, under your blessing, aproval & theats
Stop insult in public, because you are killing flybest reputation and you are giving the point to those that are saying that insults and bulling are normal in flybest.
All the instructors are runnıng away from you.