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17th Oct 2014, 16:51
When I flew in the RAF it was always impressed on us that we should be correctly dressed to fly. Flying suit, bone dome (when appropriate), leather flying gloves with cuffs fastened correctly, no nylon socks or watchstraps etc.

Then when I started doing a bit of GA I was shocked to see a much more relaxed attitude, with people flying in shorts, tee shirts etc. Now it seems that this cavalier attitude to flight safety has got even worse!

Vol en ULM ultraligth :o) - YouTube

Sorry if its been posted before. Well actually I'm not!

17th Oct 2014, 16:58
You have to be very careful about landing t!ts up in such situations... :}

17th Oct 2014, 17:06
I hope she's got a firm hand on the cyclic... I'd help her with the jump start mode... I've seen hairier operations...

Pontius Navigator
17th Oct 2014, 17:18
Reminds me of an accident report I read once.

It concerns the pilot of an A4 light aircraft and his female passenger. The inquiry determined at the moment the aircraft flew in to the cliff the pilot had just ejaculated into the passengers mouth.

Moral? Make sure your flying suit is fitted properly and all zips fastened.

17th Oct 2014, 17:24
Her iPad keeps moving from one leg to the other. Lucky iPad! At least it shows I wasn't fixated on her mammaries!

17th Oct 2014, 17:29
So will Squippers now be known as Strippers :}

Hat, coat, scarf ... and headed for the door :ok:

17th Oct 2014, 17:37
Her shoulder straps were never 'on' not that anyone noticed.
In my next life I will be...........(answers on a postcard please)

17th Oct 2014, 19:16
Close to AUW limits, I would have thought. :p

Lima Juliet
17th Oct 2014, 19:21
I wonder if the Brazilian gives an extra 1/2 knot? :E

Above The Clouds
17th Oct 2014, 19:41
Was there ever a manoeuvre found that could make them lift and separate in different directions :)

17th Oct 2014, 19:56
Max G pull up might achieve that, if that's your thing. No rudder though.

(afterthought ... or a lot of opposite rudder in the right phase)

17th Oct 2014, 20:15
It's a Global-gyro MTOsport - 53,000 euros to you, sport (pilot not included :sad:).

MTOsport / Models - GLOBAL GYRO (http://www.global-gyro.com/Models/MTOsport)

Taken in the Canaries? Can't move for naked Germans there.

17th Oct 2014, 21:35
Well she is in the cockpit :P I have duly downloaded said video :) to watch later :mad: Plus she does have great aerodynamics and a nice pair to lift off from :E. I hope she has a nice cushioning for the landing :)

@Pontius - what a way to go kind of reminds me of my teenage years I heard stories about various car accidents in one village roundabout due to the female passengers had this extraordinary tendency to rest their head on the driver's lap.


17th Oct 2014, 22:41
It could be a lot worse


Big Pistons Forever
17th Oct 2014, 23:42
I like the "strap on" visible when she gets off.......

18th Oct 2014, 00:01
I like your selfy, Nutty...

St Johns Wort
18th Oct 2014, 07:48
I believe that she would be better placed with a 5 point hardness. I saw a Flight Safety film about it.

18th Oct 2014, 09:41
It has been known Coff!
Reminds me of a few pax fits... :E

18th Oct 2014, 12:53
Pilots and tits in the same sentence,if I had a Ģ1..............

18th Oct 2014, 13:48
Last time I saw a pilot in the BUFF was on a B-52 base.....

18th Oct 2014, 14:47
Canīt see her failing any medical or other qualifications required by the competency authorities with the qualities on offer:)

18th Oct 2014, 15:10
Pilots and tits in the same sentence,if I had a Ģ1..............

And the odd Cnut, a perfect combination in one sentence :D

19th Oct 2014, 07:30
Would the accident that you refer to involve an ex V Force (and briefly I believe) Tornado Nav?

19th Oct 2014, 09:19
Just had a thought - she would defo fly through OASC ...especially the thorough medical :E:mad:

longer ron
19th Oct 2014, 13:12
Nice Video ; )
Costa Rica I believe ; )

The song is 'This Beauty' by Jupiter Sunrise - singer is Amanda Rogers


19th Oct 2014, 15:46
Bush flying without the bush.

19th Oct 2014, 16:43
The song is 'This Beauty' by Jupiter Sunrise - singer is Amanda Rogers

It had music on it?

longer ron
19th Oct 2014, 17:37
It had music on it?

You sound like my dad - and I'm 61 :)

19th Oct 2014, 17:40
@ Nutty

I don't see anything odd about hers. Perhaps a closer investigation is called for...

19th Oct 2014, 17:42
You sound like my dad - and I'm 61

I love this place, everyone here is older than me apart from the ones who aren't.

19th Oct 2014, 17:47
Ideal Squipers recruitment poster.... The original G suit?

They would be queuing around the block.


My apologies to those who find this sexist, if you don't like, don't look blah blah blah...


19th Oct 2014, 18:05
Thought for a mo that was a new caption comp photo.................

Just This Once...
19th Oct 2014, 18:09
Is that an NSN on her thigh?

Must get down to stores more often.

19th Oct 2014, 18:24
You can't have it, someone else might need it! ;)

19th Oct 2014, 19:03
New camouflage for a blancmange factory.

Above The Clouds
19th Oct 2014, 19:09
If thats what they call bondage count me in :E

Pontius Navigator
19th Oct 2014, 19:21
I think it's her phone number

19th Oct 2014, 19:32
What no Leg Restraints ?

19th Oct 2014, 21:13
Those snap ejector hooks are not to the latest mod standard.

19th Oct 2014, 21:27
Bush flying without the bush.

There's a runway, but no landing strip ;)

20th Oct 2014, 20:25
I like the new RAF PJI jump suit - Elasticated collar and cuffs!