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7th Jun 2001, 15:56
Not much seems to have been written by the bmi cadet applicants. Now all of the interviews are over and bmi are making their choices this week its just a matter of waiting.

So as soon as anyone hears anything let us all know.

Good luck to everone who was at the final stage.

M13 ;)

Continental Drifter
7th Jun 2001, 19:58
I was at the final stage for BMI over 2 weeks ago ( not the most relaxing experience)-still not heard yet either, although I feel it didn't go that well.
What I did hear about though was Atlantic Flight Training pulling the plug on the PASTS sponsorship I had with them.
My aviation future suddenly looks a lot bleaker than it did about a month ago.
Good luck to M13 and everyone else who went to the final BMI interview

7th Jun 2001, 20:19
Not much to say really. Now it's just a question of waiting for the letter followed by either ecstatic joy or crushing dejection... :)

We await the final judgement!!

Good luck to everyone who took part!


7th Jun 2001, 23:34
Hi Gang,

Just a quick one to officially declare my membership of the “bmi please send me a nice letter” brigade. Mine was on the 25th May and went ok’ish. I thought the interviewers were nice enough given the circumstances and the actual interview wasn't too bad.

They told me the news would be out within two weeks but it looks as though we might have to wait a bit longer.

Anyway good luck to everyone - fingers crossed!!

8th Jun 2001, 15:14
On past years experience, or so I am informed, you should expect a phone call not a letter, letter = bad, phone call = good!!!

9th Jun 2001, 20:57
:) :) In that case lets all hope that we all get a nice phone call. :) :)

There doesn`t seem to have been many PPRuNers going for the bmi sponsorship on the evidence of the posts on this thread and other recent ones. Either that or everone is keeping quiet!!!

So as I return this thread to the top of the pile I invite any shy bmi candidates to share their experience with us.

:mad: Happy Waiting :mad:


10th Jun 2001, 00:00
I was told that we'd know before mid-June at the latest so I'm expecting to hear before the end of next week. They'd better hurry up before I actually cr*p myself.

10th Jun 2001, 17:49
I feel sick. Its bloody torture isn`t it.

cheers all

10th Jun 2001, 18:27
I'm keeping quiet!

All I will add is that as each day passes and I hear nothing, the more doubts I have about possible success. Stupid really, because in reality, I have as much chance of success tomorrow as I had yesterday.

[This message has been edited by WAIF-er (edited 10 June 2001).]

11th Jun 2001, 17:18
Interview didnt go as smoothly as i wouldve liked it too. Definately a case of the nerves - seems to be a common occurance from what ive read in previous posts. A shame, since the questions really werent that bad.

Im in the same boat as you schooner - anyone even mentions bmi and the stomach starts doing back-filps!

11th Jun 2001, 19:51
Well at least no one appears to have heard today! the waiting oesn't get any easier no matter which airline it is for, or how well you think you did in the interview. Hopefully we will all know by the end of this week!!!

Eagerly awaiting aswell, Good luck all


11th Jun 2001, 20:26
yeah, the phone rang this morning and I eagerly ran to answer it.....

...it was my mum. :-(

[This message has been edited by WAIF-er (edited 11 June 2001).]

11th Jun 2001, 22:29
http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif So I phoned bmi today and asked when they expected to release the results and they said that they were waiting for official confirmation of the numbers before they make any phone calls. This is likely to be at the end of the week. :)

In the mean time I am left pulling my hair out and finalising details for an alternative sponsorship that is not as attractive as bmi. ;)

http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif Lets hope that they finalise things pretty quick. All this waiting is sending me insane :mad:

Once again good luck and happy waiting. :rolleyes:

11th Jun 2001, 22:48
You lot, please stop posting on this thread. Every time I see the number of posts has increased I think somebody may have heard something :)

Hang on, thats what I`m doing now " hello pot, kettle calling ? " http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif Aaaaarrgh !!!
Now, is it the red or blue pills I should be taking http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

happy waiting :rolleyes:

12th Jun 2001, 09:35
With the way that operational requirements change from week to week you never know, they may now need 74 cadets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12th Jun 2001, 11:57
Or none! Oops...

This is fun :)

...proceeding below Decision Height with CAUTION...

Waldo P Barnstormer
12th Jun 2001, 16:45
Fun! this is driving me mad (cue rocking back and forth captive polar bear style), never mind the aptitudes, interview or presentation this is definitely the most stressful part of the application.
Good show M13, now I can stop calling home every 10 mins to see if the letter/call has arrived. Roll on Friday....

Best of luck chaps


12th Jun 2001, 16:56
So how did everyone find the final BMi interview stage? Was it the grilling you expected? How were the presentations?

Turned and Slipped
12th Jun 2001, 19:58
I've got to agree with Waldo, I thought the stages were bad enough but it's nothing compared to this waiting lark.

Maybe it's part of the application, to see if your still sane after weeks of waiting.

Good luck everyone


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!

12th Jun 2001, 21:37
Cheers M13 for calling them.

I am away all day and night on Thursday, so I bet that is when the calls will go out. (who's saying I will be called!)

Schooner - now that youve said that, I'm gonna make a new post every day!!

I've had to buy some false nails to chew on today, cos mine have all gone.

12th Jun 2001, 22:03
WAIF-er, you bugger :), wait, I`m doing it again .... ( http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gifscreams and runs off into the distance pulling handfuls of hair out http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif )

What plans do you lot have if you are unsuccessful ? (and no replying on this thread :) )


[This message has been edited by schooner (edited 12 June 2001).]

13th Jun 2001, 17:01
No i've not heard yet it is just less hassel if we all keep checking the thread to have it on the first page.

Waldo P Barnstormer
14th Jun 2001, 13:50
I am thinking of setting up a BMI post traumatic stress disorder support group, names below please.

Dr Waldo.

14th Jun 2001, 15:09
I was just checking the thread again to see if anyone had heard anything.Obviously not.

So hopefully either today or tomorrow we will all know our fate. In the mean time I'll sign up to Waldo's stress clinic.

Fingers crossed.

14th Jun 2001, 15:13
Count me in for the clinic too doc! I need a large dose of sedatives...

VTOL - finished fingernails now moving onto knuckles...


14th Jun 2001, 20:57
I phoned bmi today and was told that hopefully we'll know tomorrow. Apparently flight ops want 24 cadets but the accountants only want 20. They expect to make a decision tomorrow and then Peter Hewitt will phone the select few. The rest get a letter in the post.

14th Jun 2001, 21:39
Anyone Heard anything today?

Also, this thread keeps showing as a new posting has been made, but when I go in and look there is nothing new!!! Is this a problem with my PC or Pprune?



14th Jun 2001, 21:47
Don't Worry, sorted the problem.

Looks like tomorrow is crunch day - Lets hope that the Bean counters agree to 24!!!



15th Jun 2001, 11:32
Got a letter....gutted.

VTOL http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

15th Jun 2001, 11:35
Just out of curiosity, when did you guys apply?

Token Bird
15th Jun 2001, 11:53
PPRuNe has a caching problem. I always have to refresh when something new appears in a thread I've already looked at that day. Or is this my settings?

VTOL - sorry luv. You got one stage further than me though.

BTW for whoever asked, application was around September/October. The advert was in Flight International. OATS have mentioned that the scheme will be advertised again 'in late summer', so everyone keep an eye out,


15th Jun 2001, 14:09
Got the thanks but no thanks letter this morning. Damn! Looks like it's going to have to be the hard way.
Congrats to the lucky few.

15th Jun 2001, 16:44
Has anyone actually got the good news phone call yet ?

Turned and Slipped
15th Jun 2001, 17:33
Just went home to find the 'Dear John' letter waiting for me.

Nothing to say except..........ARSE!!!!

Congratulations to those who got through.


Delta Wun-Wun
15th Jun 2001, 17:33
Sorry to hear that mate.


15th Jun 2001, 18:01
Got my "no thanks" aswell.

Via my old address, which is my parents home. I thought I was in luck but then my Mum called to tell me there was a letter from BM for me.

Whats my next step....

..to go out and find a wealthy woman who can BUY me an airline job.

15th Jun 2001, 19:08
Surely if you guys got your letter today they must have been sent yesterday when one of you were told that decisions were to be made today!! Does that mean if four people get their letters on Monday they were in but due to the beancounters did not get it!!!!

That will have to suck.

15th Jun 2001, 21:15
Sorry to those that had the dreaded PFO letters through the door. It must have been close for all of you due to the delay etc BMI took in sending them out. You should all sue BMI for loss of nails <g>

Noone has said they had the call, but if you did congratulations.


15th Jun 2001, 21:28

There are a few people who will have shorter nails before the end of next week. If anyone knows what I am talking about, mail me.


16th Jun 2001, 10:15
Got the letter yesterday too - 'Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit drinking!'
Like AssumeCrashPositions, I'm going to have to do it the hard way now.

Going Around
16th Jun 2001, 12:26

Play fair, what do you know that others do not?

16th Jun 2001, 14:21
VTOL, ....................

You've all just gotta keep trying and remember that most pilots do it the 'hard way.' I know what rejection is like. It took me a while to get over it but those who pick themselves up again for another crack WILL make it in the end.

Patsy 001
16th Jun 2001, 14:44

So sorry to hear about BMI - keep your chin up and don't lose heart, it will happen.

Best of luck (the Irish's) in the future!


Continental Drifter
16th Jun 2001, 16:49
It's Sat. afternoon- I've not heard either way.
What the hell does that mean?
Has anybody actually got any good news?
(Please God- no more)

16th Jun 2001, 22:23
As I started this thread I think it is only fair that I add my name to the list of thanks but no thanks cadets.

It seems as if no-one on pprune has got the nice phone call.

Unlucky VTOL and all the others. Join me in a commiseratorary drink tonight. and tommorow night then pick yourselves up and get on with the next one.

Over and definately not IN. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

18th Jun 2001, 12:13
this is just a note to say thanks to you all for your comments ....see you at the next round of tests and interviews!

Good luck and congratulations to those who did make it.

VTOL - back up, dusted down and ready for the next one!


[edited 'cos I can't write sentences!]

[This message has been edited by VTOL (edited 18 June 2001).]

18th Jun 2001, 14:06
Whats the latest on the good news call ?
Still havent heard of one person who's received it yet.

18th Jun 2001, 23:29
Maybe they dont take ppruners!!

Anyway, my next appointment is the annual BA aptitudes on June 28th. Followed hopefully 2 weeks later by the final board interview. I dont wish to sound big-headed, but I expect to get to final stages nowadays....I just dont get any further!

Then maybe one more crack at Airtours in late summer/autumn. If neither are successful, I will be ordering my atpl notes and enrolling on a modular. Not sure where at yet, but thats another thread altogether.

My ideal situation is to keep working and earning the pennies, building up my hours at the same time (58 at present) to 100 or so, then go to ground school in mar/april.

18th Jun 2001, 23:42
I can't believe that no PPRUNER's have been picked - was that one of the questions at the final interview???


ps. see you all at Oxford in the Autumn.

18th Jun 2001, 23:55
I got the phone call, but not this year!
Congrats. to those that got in, bad luck those who didn't - keep trying though. I was rejected too several times before I secured sponsorship, I know how it feels!

Pprune has a caching problem which means you sometimes can't see your own replies. To get round this, press shift whilst you left mouse click the thread. This creates a new page with the full address at the top. Then add a / after the address. This forces the server to give you the updated version.

19th Jun 2001, 11:10
It really does take the wind out of your sails though doesnt it?
Im going through what can only be described as a crisis of faith at the moment. Maybe all these final board folks really know what it takes to be a pilot and subsequently see right through me. Ive been knocked back 3 times so far. bugger.... http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Continental Drifter
19th Jun 2001, 12:29
This doesn't make sense.
There was maybe 24 places for BMI and 74 candidates at the final interview. That's about a 1 in 3 chance; yet at least 15 people on Pprune got to this stage but seemingly no one has heard any good news.
What is going on?

19th Jun 2001, 20:36
Youre right Drifter.
Im still trying to work the maths out.

19th Jun 2001, 21:16
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Been too worried to say anything. Found out half an hour ago. Massive weight lifted off my shoulders. Still shell-shocked



19th Jun 2001, 22:04

What can I say, I am speechless too! I have mailed you.

Well done too everyone who got offered this scheme, I look forward to meeting you all.

To those that didn't, don't give up - it has taken me 3.5 years of trying to get this and I know that I have a long way to go yet - but it will be worth it in the long run. Good Luck with all your future applications!!!


BigAir ;-)

20th Jun 2001, 00:57
Big Air & Schooner,

A big well done to you guys - persistence pays off in the end!

I now await the publication of Big Air & Schooners successful airline interview & presentation techniques Vol. 1.

See you one day at FL370.....

20th Jun 2001, 00:59
Yeah well done guys....
Good to see fellow Ppruners through.
Dont forget us in here

20th Jun 2001, 09:35
Has anyone contacted bmi for feedback at all? I rang them yesterday and left a message but will keep trying. If I'm going to self fund a frozen ATPL I want to get it right when I do get another airline interview.

20th Jun 2001, 10:36
Congrats Guys who got in.

This morning I am gutted - apparently I have passed the BM Pilot Selection but not enough places on the courses!! Basically a Thanks but No Thanks.

I have to say that I was excited when I got the phone call but then absolutely gutted afterwards. It is like being offered the Holy Grail to have it cruelly snatched away from you just as you are about to take it.

I am sure there are two others who know exactly how I am feeling this morning. I think I might have preferred being rejected outright.

I know I am going to get up off the floor and keep on going but to come this close just makes me feel sick. What I would have given to get the good news phone call.

Anyway, enough of this depression onwards and upwards.
http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

20th Jun 2001, 11:25
God Apache thats blooming awful. Did they say you had first refusal should someone drop out ?
I have to say the whole process is very long winded and drawn out. I really think bmi should re-visit and reduce the time it takes to find out, 8 months from app to final is far too long. Its hard to fly aircraft when youve chewed not only your nails but fingers as well.

20th Jun 2001, 11:36
Tell me about it.

At first I thought excellent and then I realised that it really is not much more than getting the Thanks but No Thanks letter. I was trying to figure out how they had worked out the three not to get on to the course - I reckon it came down to aptitudes as that is the only way they can statistically and fairly do it.

8 months is a long time but I guess when you want something that bad then you'll do anything.

Tell me again why we put ourselves through this?

20th Jun 2001, 12:39
Holy shoot! Got the nice call yesterday evening to say that I start on 21st Sept.

Well done to you other folks that got in. Good luck to you others next time.



20th Jun 2001, 15:59
Im beginning to wonder Apache http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

20th Jun 2001, 17:18
I got my call as well last night! Absolutely ecstatic - it still hasnt sunk in yet though.

I too have been rejected many times in the past, but you have to pick yourself up and keep trying. Good luck to the guys who didnt make it this time - you will make it soon!

Im really grateful to all the ppruners who have directly or in-directly helped me over the years (i used to go by a different name). Pprune has always been the starting point in solving problems or getting information and has definately contributed to getting me where i am today.

Thank you all so much.

20th Jun 2001, 23:59
Schooner et al,

Well done guys. Enjoy.

See you all at Kidlington one day.


21st Jun 2001, 01:33
Just a little post to say thanks to everybody for the congrats. Its been a long time coming but the feeling when you are told is unbelievable. Since I found pprune over a year ago it has been a massive help in achieving my goal and also instrumental in making me one of the least productive people at work ;)
Anyway, cheers all and don`t give up trying,


[This message has been edited by schooner (edited 20 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 23:46
Hello Everyone

First post for me so here goes...

I too had the call from bmi last week to say I'd been successful with my cadet pilot application - absolutely unbelievable, it still hasn't sunk in. I too start on the 21st, I'm counting the hours!

Thanks to all those who posted info on pprune, it definitely helps you to prepare.

Best of luck to all those who want to fly, keep the faith, it can be done!

Max Angle
27th Jun 2001, 00:52
Been looking at this thread over the last few weeks, congratulations to those who got in this time and sympathies to those who did not. Maybe you will be succesfull next year or get a place with another carrier. Enjoy your time at Oxford, work hard, play hard as they say!. I am an Airbus skipper at LHR so no doubt will see some of you out on the line next year.

Well done!.