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View Full Version : Sir TC says 10 more african destinations

8th Oct 2014, 12:48
10 more destinations for EK in Africa in the next decade.

What's left (worth) to go to? :confused:


The Guru
8th Oct 2014, 13:20
This speech by TC was pretty high level and strategic in nature, but reading between the lines my personal prediction is that we will:

extend the operational life of the remaining mini-bus fleet well in to 2018,
extend the A345 beyond Mar 2015,
make the A332 revert to being a nursery training fleet for the A380,
make transition to the A380 be something that 'approaches' a seniority based system,
extend the life of some of the older B772 aircraft, and
start increasing the frequency to existing African destinations in the short term to continue utilization.

The G.

PS. My personal opinions only, and glad to be proven WRONG!

8th Oct 2014, 13:39
A lot is left...

Kinshasa and lubumbashi in Congo.
Douala and Yaounde in Cameroon.
Kigali in Rwanda.
Antananarive in Madagascar.
Zanzibar in Tanzania.
Maputo in Mozambique.
Return to Moroni in comores.
Equatorial Guinea.
Mogadishu (in a very long future).

Some right now are small markets but slowly they'll grow up.

8th Oct 2014, 13:50
Yes but ..... destinations like that will only be profitable for EK if they can derive most of the traffic from strong currency areas. African originating traffic is mostly lower revenue.

Oh... I forgot, profit doesn't seem to matter much to EK, it's more about domination, and I'm sure there are plenty of hookers waiting to fly in from those places to ply their trade in Dubai, that Islamic paragon of virtue where sex outside marriage and the consumption of alcohol are illegal but openly encouraged as and when it suits them.

8th Oct 2014, 14:34
Cape, might come as a surprise but the highest yield on the EK network comes from Africa.

8th Oct 2014, 14:37
It doesn't come as a surprise. Lagos is high yield and so are other destinations on the continent already served by EK, but those listed by Migair54 are unlikely to produce high yields for the large aircraft types operated by EK.

I have access to MIDT figures so I know what I'm talking about.

8th Oct 2014, 15:51
Sounds like a bit more variety for the A330 guys.:E

Work Shy
8th Oct 2014, 16:54
Gaborone would be great while Maun would be awesome. Purely selfish reasons.

Emma Royds
8th Oct 2014, 21:47
Someone has surely got to bring the Chinese? :O

As for Moroni - more chance of Emirates flying to the moon than going back to that god forsaken place.

9th Oct 2014, 05:27
At the rate Ebola is finding its way around West Africa I wouldn't be surprised if EK pull off more African routes until it's sorted.

9th Oct 2014, 09:42
They won't do that until we all start dropping dead and they are unable to cover it up in the media.....


Someone brings it to Dubai and an affluent local is infected and dies.

Emma Royds
9th Oct 2014, 13:56
I wouldn't be at all surprised if an individual with Ebola has already ended up in Rashid Hospital. With our diverse network, it is entirely possible that we have had a passenger on board with Ebola.

Along with the current very poor health of Khalifa, an Ebola case in Dubai would be one of the many 'sensitive' stories that the local media wouldn't dare to even think of reporting.

Back to the topic in hand. Sir TC stated on a recent Q&A session on ICE that there are 100 cities that he could rattle off as positively complimenting the EK network. Take 20 or so of those away due to bilateral 'tensions' and we probably have around 80 and to have 10 of those in Africa, seems highly plausible.

9th Oct 2014, 17:09
I always listen to STC on ICE and try and read between the lines.

100 possible new destinations?
Need a new Airport for that

Here's one I prepared earlier: DWC...