View Full Version : First solo

7th Jun 2001, 07:21
Just went solo. A wonderful feeling. I've been smiling from ear to ear for the past four hours!

If anyone is out there working hard to pay for week by week lessons, keep it up - it is worth the toil!

7th Jun 2001, 09:21
Congratulations Laurie. It's a fantastic feeling going solo for the first time isn't it. I did my first solo cross country the other day and even managed to arrive back where I started. Keep it up!

8th Jun 2001, 08:11
Congratulations Laurie, great going. You'll never forget that day! Although there still is a long way to go.
What aircraft were you flying? My first solo was in a Tommahawk, and gees did she climb like a home sick angel without my rather large instructor beside me :-)

Simon W
8th Jun 2001, 12:30
Congratulations! I went solo for the first time on Monday. It is an amazing feeling. I've been told it's the first big hurdle out of the way. I can't wait to get on with the rest of the course now!

Well done again,


Airborne Hamster
8th Jun 2001, 22:34
Well done Laurie.Just make sure you stay p*ssed for a week now!

8th Jun 2001, 22:57
Nice one Laurie! Nothing like it is there?

After much experimentation, I still say its better than sex. :) :)

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.