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View Full Version : 'CAP509' Cost of BAE Jerez?????

7th Jun 2001, 00:55
Ok, forgive me if I'm being a stupid, but I was sure I remembered the abitio course with BAEsystems out in Jerez being around the mid £30,000 mark. Checking the web site now it is 78,014 Euros which equates to £47-48,000. Thats very near, if not the same price as Oxford. Can this be, or am I brutally wrong?

Thanks, w.

PS: If this is the case, how can BAE compete (absolutely no offence intended) with Oxford when 1)the prices are close/same (yes I know, no accomodation included, but thats not really mega bucks compared to the course), 2)Oxford have no 'entrance exams', and 3), (just popped into my head) Oxford is of course 'local' (or more local should I say).

Wee Weasley Welshman
7th Jun 2001, 01:08
Jerez was initially priced at 43k sterling. A few people early-on got a better deal by paying all up front. There was a price rise to 48k when they increased the course by 4 weeks last year.

This was as a result of being realistic regards groundschool - which under JAA was over running every time.

Your figures of mid 30k never existed.

Fluctuations occur daily between the £ and the euro.

The course will generally - and I speak in a real world context here - work out about 10k cheaper than OATS.

Pleassse do the sums and factor in accom costs and basic eating/drinking. Then add UK approach fees, don't assume you'll pass everything first time and you'll find that the 10k difference is actually a minimum cost saving.

The facts are BAE *do* compete with other schools. Historically they always offered a superior product. It was just they operated out of an expesive airport, maintained their aircraft expensively and paid their - albeit highly expierenced often ex-airforce instructors - sky high salaries for the hours they flew.

They only made money at Prestwick for 2 years out of over 10. But hey. If you are part of the WORLDS 2nd largest defence company whats a piffling million pound loss p.a. Especially if having a training college helps you sell a few more middle eastern F3's and Airbuses...

Its a complicated world boys and girls.


7th Jun 2001, 01:12
Apologies WWW, it was obviously 43K I was thinking about.

Anyway, thanks for clearing the rest up.

7th Jun 2001, 14:12
Ok, the price went up the other week there to.......<rummages through paperwork> Euros 80013 (give or take a few) which works out to round about £48,000. (apparently cos theres more actual flying time???)

So I buggered off to the bank signed a loan and I'm starting at the end of July :)

Hope this helps

7th Jun 2001, 15:07
Thats a pretty big loan tunneler, how did you manage that? Is it ok if you go through details because I'm kinda hoping to do the same thing........

Thanks, w.

7th Jun 2001, 17:56

Just wondering if you had to sit an assesment test when you applied to BAE? I notice on their web-site they say its now part of the application process.

8th Jun 2001, 00:21
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, tunneler, where izzzz u hiding??

8th Jun 2001, 11:49
Hi Folks,

I'm relatively new to aviation but have been considering full time courses such as those run by BAe or OATS. Considering the quantities of cash involved are there any statistics available regarding employment upon graduation. What is the consensus ?, after spending so much money does one then have to spend more to build hours or are graduates usually 'snapped up' by airlines.


8th Jun 2001, 14:45
Sorry - was out on the ran dan last night :)

ok 2 questions to answer........

First one for winkie - Ehm the money, well..... I'm fortunate (or unfortunate when you think about it) to have been left cash by my grandparents when they passed away - would far rather they were still here but they wanted me to go for it, that accounts for just under half the cash. The other half has come from a bank loan guaranteed by my fabulous parents with the house. Again I am very fortunate to be in the position where my folks are able and willing to support me 100% throughout! Needless to say I'm looking forward to the day when I am in the position to make sure they enjoy there twilight years :) (That and I really want to take my mum on a jumpseat!!!!)

2nd question - Apptitude tests for the course.
Every application is looked at before BAe make a decision as to whether or not you require to sit the entry tests..... I'm not sure what the criteria is to avoid sitting them but I must have it - currently got my JAR PPL, 7 Standard Grades (1's and 2's), 6 Highers (all B's)

I wouldn't think that the tests would be anything to get overly worried about - after all you are offering BAe the best part of fifty grand here - think its more of an indication to see how well you will do on the course.

I'm flying out to have a wee look around the college next week and if everythings to my liking then I'll sign on that dotted line. :)

Hope this helps you guys.


8th Jun 2001, 15:16
Thank you tunneler. Good luck in spain.....
