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View Full Version : R22 MR Blades

18th Sep 2014, 07:32
Is it just me or do you think Robinson are trying to soften up their owners before another AD is issued?


18th Sep 2014, 08:48
Y'know, I'd somebody like Van Horn decided to make composite MR blades for Robinsons, they'd clean up.

18th Sep 2014, 10:42
This sounds and smells like a fishy product ...Gone Off,
If this is actual fact then the Robinson Company do not deserve to sell another Heli at all, what a con, when I trained for my PPL(H) it was done on a Brand new Robby 22, and then a R 44, both almost brand new, I got my ticket at 4 months, but I noticed on my walk rounds the blades on the R22 were already looking worn and not in comparison to the rest of the Tub, I pointed this out to the FI, and was given a cursory type of answer which more of less made my mind up to stay away from the Robinson products for ever.... despite mastering the R22 and the R44 for my ticket, and having fun doing so, but my background in the Steel and Transport industry gave and led me to have major concerns.

Sad "init"

cockney steve
18th Sep 2014, 15:34
Peter, you have to be realistic.
IF you cut corners and make a cheap, nasty POS (Think Chinese cars and motorbikes.....OK any mass produced Chinese crap) make a big-enough margin on it to pay outthe inevitable writs against you and you STILL undercut everything else on the market, you must be doing something right.
My Rotary flying is limited to Nitro models, R/C. Iwould not fly in a Robbie. Ihave looked at the Rotorway....in some ways superior , in others abysmal...compare TCO of a Robbo against anything else
the risk-benefit ratio is very much in the Robbo's favour...IF you need or want to fly ,badly enough, you now have the choice of the Guimbal.

Like it or not, Robinson is the Henry Ford of the Heli world,
both bought a game-changing machine to the market -place...both were/are slightly unorthodox in their controls, both tricky in their handling, both bite foolsor those who drop yheir guard.
If I were contemplating Rotary, needed a reliable, workhorse machine and had a limited budget, I would wait 'till I could afford a Cabri...I just wouldn't countenance the cheap to buy, dear to maintain, pay to rectify design inadequacies machines that appear to be Robinson.
They have their place, ...IMHO every Robbo purchaser knows they are lacking and they will have to pick up the tab for blades, fuel tanks......

but the entry price is tempting, especially if you hire it out!