View Full Version : Which type of Prescription Eyeglass' to get?

12th Sep 2014, 21:17
Finally admitted I need prescription eyeglass' and wondering if anyone has any warnings about certain options like bi-focal, tri-focal, multifocal or progressive when it comes to doing the average daily mechanic things like routine inspections, safety wiring, reading pin numbers on cannon plugs and such.

Any of your opinions pro or more especially con a certain type of lens would be appreciated


15th Sep 2014, 11:50
I don't recommend progressive lenses, despite the sales hype by my optician I found them hazardous to work with as a pilot. Progressives make a mess of your peripheral vision, the lower left and right sides of each lense are useless & horizontal lines become waved/ curved. I recommend bi or tri focals for safety related work, even if they do make you "look older" according to some advertising blurb.

16th Sep 2014, 09:37
Pilot and Engineer are different. As a practicing Avionics chap I have not had a moments problem with progressives apart from the cost. They do take some adjusting too however.