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28th May 2002, 01:11
There's vampire bats and sewer rats, there's pubic lice and crabs, But the lowest form of life on Earth is the slimy Barley scab.
There's vampire bats and sewer rats, there's pubic lice and crabs,
But the lowest form of life on Earth is the slimy Barley scab.

An hour before the sun comes up, he crawls out of his pit,
You wouldn't get too close to him for the smell of slime and other little bits,

Beneath the cloak of darkness he sets off, all clad in black,
To serve his wretched masters goes the slimy Barely scab.

And when his treachery is done, on his knees he crawls back home,
His kids don't want to know him, so he eats his tea alone,
They haven't been to school for days, they're ashamed that he's their dad,
"Tell me, what's your father do?". "He's a slimy Barley scab."

28th May 2002, 09:33
Life can't be that bad at CX for you if you have enough time to make up all of these little ditty's and post so much vitriolic BS. I guess the other option is you don't have a life.
Have fun


28th May 2002, 09:54
bengi25: Do you ever say anything intelligent?

28th May 2002, 10:08
i have to let some friends of mine know what it is like here in cathay.

i now wish that i had stayed at home.

i did not know the history behind all the industrial pressure here in hong kong. i now feel embarrased to have joined as now that i have read some of the facts and have seen the actual way that the crew in cathay are treated i can see that the way of life here in hong kong is not all that it is cracked up to be. the real shame is not that my name is distributed to every hkaoa pilot my social life is a wreck. everytime i go to work all i get for conversation is yes no and "do the radio". my wife can not seem to find friends here and is constantly talking about going home again. unfortunately i am now known and virgin are not interested in hiring me. when all of the problems here are sorted out as i have been told i am unsure of just what i will be able to do. having seen the way the managers here treat staff that have been loyal for decades, i am sure that my job will be forfeit.

wish i had never come

28th May 2002, 10:21
Hey Cx SO sorry to hear about your misfortune. Did you join during the ban? Send me an E-mail if you can. I would love to hear more about Life at Cathay during the ban.

28th May 2002, 10:30
It seems quite apparant that he joined during the ban, poor soul! If he hadn't perhaps life would be a little better don't you think?

Kaptin M
28th May 2002, 10:32
And when you do (leave), your position will be filled by a Yank, Canadian, Pom, Turk, Hungarian, or another Aussie desperate for a job with an airline.

There will NEVER be any shortage of takers - regardless of the ban.

I, for one, don't condone those who are taking positions under the current, WELL- PUBLICISED Ban.
However, I am aware of the current aviation employment situation - desperate times = desperate people!

Placing the crux of the Dispute on a previously uninvolved, third party, is the easy way out.

Obviously an outright strike is out of the question, so you guys are in it for the long haul.

It still REALLY p!sses me off to hear CX aircraft requesting/accepting track shortening/ optimum FL changes/speed increases, etc. that all go to save the company money.

Do the hard yards, accept the new recruits as part of the family, and dig in!

28th May 2002, 10:40
Well 6feetunder,
I hope you are right. I heard from a friend , Cathay was a pretty nice place to work. Hopefully, It will be again. At least for Cx SO.

28th May 2002, 10:43
i am just telling people who think that life is great in hong kong that i have found it very difficult. if i had my time again i would not have come. anyone who is serious about thinking if joining cathay should reconsider it. with the impending expansion in world aviation and the fact that people are flying again, i wish i had waited and got a job elsewhere rather than being branded for life .

28th May 2002, 10:50
Well CX SO,
Thanks for the headsup. I once faced a similar situation. It was advice like yours that saved me from a bad choice. I am new to this forum. I think itīs vital to those thinking about joining Cathay now. Hope it works out for you later.

28th May 2002, 11:39
come-on people!

there are cx managers here posting as pilots and there are aoa members posting under at least 3 different names....

now we have someone in the aoa pretending to be a new joiner.

cx s/o's post is the biggest work of fiction since vow's of fidelity were included in the french wedding ceremony.

what a load of tosh. try being yourself people. the basic problem (here and at cx) is that no one really has the courage to stand up and be counted.

the aoa have a great point. the company is screwing them..... but chaps fight your own fight. school yard bully boy tactics serve you poorly. sooner or later there will be no toys left in your cot.

luna landing
28th May 2002, 12:16
CX SO - desperate people do desperate things. Interesting how you only registered today and this is your first post????

You just lost a lot of people's credibility with that last desperate post from the union.

I can't believe anyone fell for it, or were they stooges too.....

You must really be loosing the battle. You have just proved it to everyone.

This is kindergarten stuff.

28th May 2002, 12:25

if nobody want to hear what i have to say and rather just blast over the top of me then that is the way it is i guess.

i have only posted today as i have only just got the courage up to do so.

it did not supprise me that this has been said about me considering the situation here in hong kong.

luna landing. i am sure that you have a true grasp on my situation.

anyone who doesnt believe what i am saying does not have to. i am just telling you how it is for me.

as i am not able to now join the hkaoa i can hardly see how i am to be accused of being a stooge for them.

28th May 2002, 12:32

You must work for a different CX to the one I do.

As a new joiner (which I guess you must be) it seems strange that no one will talk to you. Are you still under training? Most of the Check & Training Capts are not AOA so I would think that they at least would be talking to you. When I trained they wouldn't shut up.

Your post feels so much like an AOA activisit post I can't accept what you say.

The vast majority of CX crew (AOA and Non-AOA) are too professional to act in the way you describe! (remember that the ban was NEVER voted on by the AOA membership. The committee (ie the 49ers) put it into place). My feeling is that the majority of members do NOT support the ban - notice the complete lack of intelligent arguments on pprune supporting the ban? We only seem to get the rantings and ravings of a few nutters!

I have yet to see an AOA crew member behave in the way you suggest. IF I do see such unprofessional childish action, I for one will be doing my best to stop such action and I am fully prepared to take steps if required to see such scum fired. And this is coming from an AOA member!

So CX S/O - how long have you really been with CX?

28th May 2002, 12:35
"As these are anonymous forums the origins of the contributions may be opposite to what may be apparent. In fact the press may use it, or the unscrupulous, to elicit certain reactions.",

Enough said....

It's obvious that PPRUNE has become just another front in this battle...

luna landing
28th May 2002, 12:39
Well CX S/O . One would assume you were a pilot somewhere else before joing CX and Pprune is available to pilots worldwide. One would even assume that you would have asked questions on this forum prior to joining.

There are other pilots who have recently joined CX and are posting too - their stories are quite different

I don't doubt that it would be a shocking place to work. It used to be considered one of the world's best airlines.

28th May 2002, 13:19
Bengi25, very very mature.:p
CX S/O- desperate stuff, not very believable.

28th May 2002, 13:45

When are you and the "retard, retard" bengi25 going to publish the names of the honourable long standing colleages who jumped at the positions vacated by the 49ers? Oh and the pilots who trained them. Oh and the "A" scalers who did the kickoff.

28th May 2002, 13:50
So let me get this straight; over 60 pilots at CX have been terminated/demoted/recategorised. As a result there has been an IFALPA Recuitment Ban put in place. Like it or not it's there. Many of the pilots at CX are union members and probably know at least one or two of the affected individuals, might even be close friends.

And there is surprise, shock and disgust that a couple of the new guys aren't being treated right. Well now I've seen it all.

luna landing
28th May 2002, 15:51
Guess the therapist didn't work Bengi. He would have told you to get a life. There is another life out there. Even professions that you can earn more .

Take my friend for instance. He is a pilot, but he earnt more than a million aussie dollars last year growing nuts. Bengi - that was growing nuts - not going nuts. Gives him a nice lifestyle. He owns two nice aeroplanes for his own pleasure and transport. He's not ugly though - so he doesn't have to walk around in wings and gold bars to get women's attention.

Now, he has a life and it's not sitting in front of his little computer writing slime, and being bitter and twisted.

Bye the way, your mate CX S/O uses the same bad grammar that you do - strange don't you think?:rolleyes:

28th May 2002, 16:14
I would suggest anyone with an ounce of sense gives this post the complete disregard it merits. Oops, after mine of course.

29th May 2002, 01:15
How painfully, painfully, embarassing! (CX SO's post that is) At least some of the management wind-ups can be difficult to tell from the real thing.

THAT one was so laughably obvious it qualifies as comedy!

I'm sure glad this forum was available for you to "let some friends of mine know what it is like here in cathay"!!


Alpha Leader
29th May 2002, 03:31

Your wife can't make friends in HKG? Nothing an evening at the Old China Hand couldn't fix:D

29th May 2002, 09:42
Those are pretty strong accusations fw. If you know so much why don't you give us the names.

Even if any of that was true, which I seriously doubt, those involved would be contractually entitled to a D & G procedure, don't you agree?

That is the truth.

Truth Seekers Int'nl
29th May 2002, 11:31
benji25 is cabin crew along with small wing i have contacts and friends whom they are known to. Cx s/o i don't know what course you were on but i can tell you i have had no problems since joining CX. i am not married but have been introduced to a number of new friends and the experience has been good, so far. Captain Barley does not pose a problem as he is known to the Company and has a right to voice his opinion it matters not as there will soon be many barley scabs here in honkers. again i would like to join the AOA but have been advised to settle in first. please let us go about our work and pay off our debts. it will all turn out well in the end.

30th May 2002, 11:19
well you turn your back for one second and look what happens..

i have never known about this type of computer forum until i joined cathay so to answer one of you who say that i should have read about cathay etc before, well i just didnt know where to look. having come to hong kong i now am faced with the situation that i am in. i take objection to all and sundry trying to misrepresent what i am trying to put across, which is that cathay pacific is, at the moment , not the place to come to. all i am saying is if i had my time again i would have waited until there was a resolution to the current politicking and then joined once the ban had been lifted. i am sure that many of you disbeleive me, but i am sincere and now am more certain that all that i read about the draconian tactics of cathay pacific management are completely true.

i await your scathing reply.

30th May 2002, 11:56
CX S/O: There is something called CREDITABILITY which I find somehow lacking.. funny how you've only JUST managed to find the forum now, right in the thick of things..

Provide us with some crediability, and you may get a different response...

And if it is just a HKAOA windup, I have to say that the HKAOA is in danger of sinking to the same level as Cathay Pacific Management....

30th May 2002, 15:05
well i am afraid miss cypher that i do lack credibility. if credibility is to you to be an old hand to these sort of computer forums than i certainly do lack it (unlike your credible 36 contributions). i am new to hong kong and i had not heard of pprune until recently. look..... at the end of the day you can say what you like about me, it is not for me to lecture to you. i am just telling it like it is for me. i just wish i had chosen to hold off until later. if i had known more then i certainly would have. i have said it before cypher that i am now unable to join the hkaoa, and i never will be able to. whatever you think about me , i just want for once the facts from someone at he coalface to be said.

cx so a340

30th May 2002, 17:48
Stinky Harbour forum or no, you would have to be completely out of touch with reality to not have at least an inkling of what things are like at CX before you came. Are we all really to believe you were just toiling away on the Navajo in Namibia or whatever until CX called and offered you a job? And then when you got to Hong Kong, lo and behold, an industrial dispute? And so now that you finally stumbled across PPrune you feel bound to "warn" prospective applicants?

The credibility issue is valid IMO. But if you really are that crestfallen that CX hasn't turned out to be everything you expected then you have my pity. Guess you'll just have to struggle along on that 340 S/O pittance...

Sir Shiraz
31st May 2002, 01:34
Me thinks Garrick and CX S/O are one in same....have a look at number of posts and time between each post...


31st May 2002, 12:23
CX S/O:Well, Mr Cypher actually...

No, I'd say creditability is to be able to provide evidence that you really are a CX S/O, that joined after the date of the ban.

I haven't said a thing about you, all I've done is made a observation that what you are saying is lacking in creditability.. I prefer not to personally attack other posters to these forums.

Another observation that I would like to make is that the more you write posts like the last post you made, you will only serve to further degrade your creditability.

31st May 2002, 15:07
Cypher, I really wish you wouldn't use the noun creditability when you actually mean to say credibility. It kind of degrades your own credibility.

creditable (adj.) : bringing or deserving credit, honour or esteem; creditability (n.)

credible (adj.) 1./ capable of being believed; believable 2./ worthy of belief or confidence, trustworthy; credibility (n.)

5th Jun 2002, 15:34
Well Sir Shiraz

It may appear that way I must admit. After reading the posts on the harbour I am very interested in the place. The fragrant habour must an exciting place to work these days. Hopefully in a few months , there could be a change for the better.