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View Full Version : Battle of Britain - US Army film

27th Aug 2014, 15:36
Whilst marking time, I found this interesting film, made by the US Army as part of the 'Why we are fighting' series. As the title indicates, it's about the Battle of Britian, with lashings of footage of the RAF, inter alia, with some classic 'Chomondly-Warner' moments as well. Appologies if it has been psoted on PPrune before, but it's worth watching...and leaves quite a lump in the throat, too.

battle of britain film - Bing Videos (http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=battle+of+britain+film&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=7A8664FA7AB73F41CFB47A8664FA7AB73F41CFB4)

27th Aug 2014, 16:31
Great find WURH :D

Mind you ... "Hawkin" airfield in Kent ... We'll put that down to a soundtrack glitch :ok:

27th Aug 2014, 16:53
Cor Blimey Gov! I picked that'un up too!*

*Cheekily exclaimed in best Dick Van Dyke Cockney.

And for the hard of seeing, there's a shot of a Fairy Battle mxing it with the Lufwaffe. I fear, though, it was Luftwaffe film...

27th Aug 2014, 18:35
that link gives me dozens of clips ... which one am I looking for?

This one? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=battle+of+britain+film&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=07C5E948DFE8F95C514707C5E948DFE8F95C5147

27th Aug 2014, 18:44
Here we go:


27th Aug 2014, 18:47
IT might interest anglophiles to know that a US NAVY ENSIGN checking out a british pilot on a CATALINA FLYING BOAT was the man who spotted the BISMARK enabling the british home fleet to attack. And this was done PRIOR to the US entering WW2.

27th Aug 2014, 18:52
Fanks, Guv'nor ... although the page is bookmarked for loads more good viewing!

27th Aug 2014, 23:03
Cor blimey, that got the mem'ry goin' an' no mistake! I remember troop movements and my mother diving under the table with me in Old Windsor when there were V1s overhead (London overshoots). Later, in RAFG, I stood on what were left of the launch sites and pondered. After the war, visiting my gran in London, there were still massive holes in the road, and the gap-tooth bomb sites stayed right throughout the 50s. I say 50s but look over the road from here in Bristol and there's an end terrace house missing to this day with a footpath through the middle.

Fanks mate!