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View Full Version : Error 651 opening port using ADSL

Mo Heekan
27th May 2002, 06:58
I hope someone can help with the following please;

I've just got an ADSL modem and use norton AV plus agnitum firewall. I keep getting a pop up box (not an ad) saying 'opening port error - Error 651 The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error'. The box then gives 3 options - Redial - Cancel and More.

I still remain conected to the internet and have no problems surfing, but this is getting on my nerves. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.

Also, if you can suggest a good Firewal that works with Norton and ADSL, I'd like to hear about that too.

Kind regards



Edit: SP :(

27th May 2002, 07:33
In the first instance I would update your driver, then I would consult with the Microsoft error list, this is here (http://search.support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?Catalog=LCID%3D2057%26CDID%3DEN-US-KB%26PRODLISTSRC%3DON&Product=msall&Query=error%2520651&Queryc=error+651&withinResults=false&srchstep=0&KeywordType=ALL&Titles=false&numDays=&maxResults=25)


27th May 2002, 08:21
The very best firewall IMHO at the moment is Tiny 2.0. This is free and available from :

Tiny Software (http://www.tinysoftware.com)

There is a paid version 3.0 but having tried that I am better served by 2.0. Limited reporting, but it works so well.

Do the mods on MS Network to close off ports 137/138/139 and you will be tighter than a crabs bum. Stealth no less.

It alo has a very small footprint on the system and intefers not at all with Norton or the newer ADSL drivers. Sounds like you should take a look.


Mo Heekan
27th May 2002, 19:57
Thanks for your help Chaps,

WDTBD: I've downloaded the latest driver and checked the site you recommend, but no answers there.

Aisleman; good point. i had OISDN and no problems, but a new modem plus driver was installed. UGGH!!!!!

MG: The firewall you mention is very good, but the same problem arises, even after the tight arse application. I'm trying Zone Alarm again, but still get the problem.

Thanks for your help guys. i really appreciate your time replying.



Mo Heekan
30th May 2002, 16:53
Hi Chaps,

The solution was to remove my old dial up settings for ISDN that were conflicting with my new ADSL settings.

Thanks for the time you all spent in replying



31st May 2002, 07:15
Thoroughly recommend Black Ice PC Protection from a company called Internet Security Systems - http://www.iss.net/ Used to be just a plain old firewall but now enhanced with application protection. Regular updates and all for around USD$40 for a years support & service. Certainly picks up pretty much every attempted break-in and with little overhead on an ADSL connection. Seems to work OK hand-in hand with Norton AntiVirus. You can also tailor 'permitted' ports if you're a music download, chatter or Internet radio freak like me !!

I think you can still download a 30 day trial version.