View Full Version : SEVERE DAMAGE DUE TO "import"

15th Aug 2014, 08:07
In an Airbus presentation on Engine malfunctions the term "import" is used as one of the symptoms for suspecting engine damage after an eng failure ( together with rapid egt increase, loud noise, fumes or burning smell...)
Could anyone excplain to me what it refers to .

15th Aug 2014, 09:31
Sounds like a language translation error.


I've only ever seen import used as an abbreviation for important/importance.

15th Aug 2014, 10:37
Shame we can't see the sentence in which the term appears.

15th Aug 2014, 13:03
I think the LUPA93 is looking at page 16 of a copy or extract (not well proof-read) of
Flight Operations Briefing Notes
Supplementary Techniques Handling
Engine Malfunctions.
I a copy I've looked at, there is a strange character gap in the Portable Document Format, giving the following (together with error message) when copied ...

Engine damage can be suspected if some of the following symptoms are observed:
• Rapid increase of EGT above the red line
• Import
• Abnormal oil pressure/temperature
• Loud noise • Fumes or burning smell in the cabin.

Whilst the page I see reads ...

Engine damage can be suspected if some of the following symptoms are observed:
• Rapid increase of EGT above the red line
• Important mismatch of rotor speeds (N1 vs. N2 or N3) or absence of rotation
• Abnormal oil pressure/temperature
• Loud noise • Fumes or burning smell in the cabin.

Try http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/193.pdf

15th Aug 2014, 22:19
Muchas gracias, nought
I think you are be absolutely right.
I am new to the INS department in my airline and the funny part is THAT presentation has been part of the Refreshment training Briefing for the last six months and noone had stopped to wonder what it meant.
Too many Powr Points and not enough approaches is what Instruction is all about these days perhaps ??