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View Full Version : BA and other sponsorships - Type of Degree needed?

5th Jun 2001, 20:39
I know this has been brought up a lot recently but just thought I'd see if anyone knows how hung up on the qualifications BA (and the others) are. BA specifies good A-levels OR a degree, but I take it they don't like people who get a third?

Reason being I'm getting quite f*cked off with my Physics degree and am thinking of finishing at the end of the year with an Ordinary degree. I have OK A-level's (B grades in Maths, Physics, English Lit., Computing).

Will this preclude me from even getting to an initial interview with BA?


5th Jun 2001, 21:16
Right, lets see.

You want to apply for the B.A Sponsorship yet you don't know the minimum requirements. Have you bothered to do ay research??? - It quite clearly states minimum of 2 A levels at C or above OR a 2:1 or above degree. Really is simple!

Other wannabe's: the reason for my rant is because I am sick and tired of people who woke up one morning and thought they'd be a pilot - leave the opportunities for those who can be bothered and who really want to fly!!! - otherwise make at least some effort.

5th Jun 2001, 21:16
Keep it going until you get a useful qualification out of it. Will be useful in the future. A degree is a good asset, whatever job you go for. It could only better your chances with BA, althrough your A-levels are perfectly adequate... I only got one A-level above a C, the other two were D's so I have to get a degree http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif .


5th Jun 2001, 21:51
slipslide - why the bitchiness?
I think that was un-called for and a bit harsh! Just because someone doesn't know what they wanna do when they are five doesn't mean they can't do it! You must have realised on one particular day you wanted to be a pilot, what does it matter when that day is?
Sorry if I sound harsh now but I don't see the need for comments like yours!
Come on people....back me up!

5th Jun 2001, 22:06
I got a Douglas Hurd in geography but still managed to get through to final boards with 3 different airlines......then arsed them up http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif so there is still hope for you. Virgin, BE and bmi still interviewed me but my degree precluded me from getting anywhere with BA. If you can get a good (ish) degree then you should be OK but there is still hope for the dunces of the world like me http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif

Slipslide, do calm down old chap, he was only asking a question. On a little aside, do you still think mr smith is ronchonner (sorry to mention that name folks) or has the red mist lifted ?

cheers all


[This message has been edited by schooner (edited 05 June 2001).]

5th Jun 2001, 22:19
OK - I'll rephrase for those who seem not to have understood the question first time around. Yes, the official requirements are the 2 A-levels or a 2:2. BUT what if an applicant had good A-levels but (say) a 3rd class degree.

Has anyone been in this situation? Did you get invited for interview?

The point is that BA (and other companies) are presumably keen on people who have spent their time well. A 22-year old graduate might be competing against an 18-year old school leaver, and better have something to show for those four years.

With any job you are competing against others, and a life-long dream won't cut it. Someone who "woke up one morning wanting to be a pilot" will still get the job if they perform better in the interview.

[This message has been edited by bjt42 (edited 06 June 2001).]

5th Jun 2001, 22:23

after reading your post the second time (and with time to calm down) I am sorry, my comments should not be directed towards you. (I misunderstood your thread)

However, I still stand by my comments. There are loads like the above mentioned people.

5th Jun 2001, 22:39

I understand the point you make. From what I have gathered from various sources is that on an average BA course there are 2 maybe 3 people without a degree, and yes some are even school leavers. Although lots think BA secretly discriminate against non-graduates - like you said yourself, it really does depend on what you do with your life.

BA probably will ask you what happened during your course and if they feel the answer is a valid one then there is no problem. You don't want to make it appear as though you were a doss at uni - so even if you were don't tell em eh? :)

It sure is an awful situation.

[This message has been edited by Superpilot (edited 05 June 2001).]

5th Jun 2001, 23:06
Guys the min requirement for BA isn't a 2:1 but a 2:2 copy paste from the site:

"2 or more GCE A Levels in core academic subjects (excluding General Studies and some other subjects) at Grade C or above, or an Honours Degree at Class 2:2 or above"


[This message has been edited by Olympic260 (edited 05 June 2001).]

6th Jun 2001, 14:01
Well I too have a Douglas Hurd ! BA have invited me for testing twice, so it obviously doesn't bother them at application stages. Suppose it depends on the explanation for the III as others have said. Mind you, my A'level were quite good..... just my degree course was a nightmare !!

6th Jun 2001, 18:24
Thanks for the feedback, I guess the most important thing is to be able to justify your choices. I am at a Scottish uni and so have already been here three years, not sure if I can take another year of it!

6th Jun 2001, 18:33
How about transfering to Engineering?

I know at strathclyde they would credit you with first year unless you were at a breeze block college.
And to be honest i have Mech Eng degree and from my course we have very few still working in engineering because the pay is cr*p. It gives you a big advantage in the theory exams in the techs as well.


6th Jun 2001, 18:41
BA system is reasonably fair with C's or a 2:2

A levels are a passport into University. Those with better A levels get into the better Universities which normally will offer harder courses etc.

What they are doing is saying ok you may have had a disaster at Uni but u do have the 2 C's or above, and could have been pressure of the being at a "better Uni" and u obviously can excel through study.

Or saying u have had a disaster at A level, continued into higher education and rectified it by getting a 2:2 or above.

In all honesty I believe that if you meet the criteria one or the other, they will not hold it against you. The interview is much more than just academic grades, I know people that were hardly asked on them. They are much more concerned with how u interview under pressure on a whole variety of subjects topics.

Best of luck


6th Jun 2001, 18:47
Yeah, I'm doing Physics and it's fairly rock hard.

[This message has been edited by bjt42 (edited 08 June 2001).]

6th Jun 2001, 18:56
If you are thinking about transfering and fancy strathclyde. Phone and ask for Dr Gilchrist (Mech Eng) and he should give you the low down on what the current status is.

Its a very pratical degree and have quite a few research projects with RR and the areo industry and also do quite abit on CFD research as well.

Good luck


PS you might have to leave your cardigan collection on the east coast though :)

[This message has been edited by mad_jock (edited 06 June 2001).]