View Full Version : RAF SAC at Bastille day ceremony.

14th Jul 2014, 11:01
After the parade in Paris finished, President Hollande walked over to a dais where members of various armed forces were gathered and one of the first servicemen he shook hands with was an RAF Senior Aircraftsman.
He was accompanied by other British military personnel, including a Guardsman who appeared to be about seven feet tall! As the commentator didn't give any clues, does anyone know what his presence there represented?

14th Jul 2014, 11:38
The Allies who fought with France in WW 1, 100 year anniversary.

14th Jul 2014, 11:43
France invited some 80 states to be represented at today's parade, being in the year of the 100th anniversary of the of the Great War/WWI. There has been some minor opposition to the Algerian contingent (a petition). I expect UK was, as a close ally, amongst the invited (Entente Cordiale, WW1, WW2, Suez, NATO, NATO the second time, and many more recent operations including AT and ISR suppport in Mali).

14th Jul 2014, 16:21
He was accompanied by other British military personnel, including a Guardsman who appeared to be about seven feet tall!

No doubt specially selected to impress. Would have been even better if Sarkozy had still been in office!

Btw - not in the least in the way of criticism of your post, but the rank is Senior Aircraftman (without an 's'). A very common mistake, even made by people who are in the RAF who should know better.

Pedant mode switched off again ;)

14th Jul 2014, 16:39
Nobody would call Hollande "Lofty" :)

15th Jul 2014, 12:39
Well done to the SAC for being selected for such an honour.

As an aside, on being promoted to Junior Technician, from Senior Aircraftman, I had a devil of a job explaining to my old mum, that her little lad had actually been promoted!:confused: