View Full Version : Can this be true?

9th Jul 2014, 20:47
In Aeroplane magazine of 4 11 1955 a correspondent, writes in response to a letter in an earlier copy of the magazine........"Anyway, all that stuff about diving vertically down the side of a hangar and getting into a spin at 400 feet in the wash of a diving fighter is pretty sissy when compared to a day when I was coming into land. Years ago now I was flying a Shorthorn and some dashed fellow put me in baulk over our hangar. I was flipped upside down in his wake and my machine sank like an empty gin bottle. I regained control but found myself flying straight into the hangar. Had to carry on but when I was half way through the building some fool closed the doors at the far end. I couldn't turn round so I climbed and landed on the rafters. I got out and climbed down a ladder and they had to take the roof off to get my aircraft out"
I. Groinchem
[ Grp. Capt. retd. ]

9th Jul 2014, 21:09
I think the 'empty gin bottle' is the clue there.

9th Jul 2014, 21:11
Sounds like Mike Ramsden in Roger Bacon mode!

9th Jul 2014, 21:13
"Group Captain Groinchem" ?

Yeah, right ...