View Full Version : Military PR Machine

10th Jun 2014, 00:42
We all know that the crabs are the past (post, future) masters of the PR war. That is their mission statement. ( the real one, not the fluffy thing put for general release!)
As this is generally an aviation part of the world, I would like to welcome our other brothers of the 'stick to the ground', and our general blades, the senior service, here by default.
If one goes to the Tube of U, the crabs are very well represented, very professional, sound, film etc.
If you ask for a Bootie or an "Army chap band", like the Guards, v poor quality et al. Why?

10th Jun 2014, 01:37
Correct me if I am wrong but what you are asking is why are the RAF Videos on you tube so much better quality (as you put it - well represented, very professional, sound, film etc.) than any from the Army ?

10th Jun 2014, 01:45
"The Devil makes work for idle hands" perhaps?

Robert Cooper
10th Jun 2014, 02:34
The cream rises to the top, does it not?

Bob C :ok:

Roland Pulfrew
10th Jun 2014, 09:03
the crabs are the past (post, future) masters of the PR war

Really?? I always had the impression that the dark blue were the best at the PR war. The Dockyard Dandy is certainly a much better production than the RAF News and the RN's recruiting adverts always seem so much more ..... punchy than the RAF's ones.

10th Jun 2014, 09:13
Agree with RP, the Senior Service does PR very well, and far better than either of the other Services. Journos are made very welcome in the Wardroom and the Phot branch is good at spotting photo opportunities and sending them up the line.

10th Jun 2014, 09:32
Thirded - RN and FAA PR was always far superior to the RAF's.

10th Jun 2014, 11:14
Well if it is the case the Navy are top, then we need an amendment

The cream rises to the top, does it not?

Corrected version : The Poo rises to the top, does it not?

That's better, I can understand it too, after all the film industry, as is indeed the Navy, full of luvvies


Red Line Entry
10th Jun 2014, 11:53
My experience has been that every Service thinks the others are better at PR than themselves!

Normally phrased along the lines of "We would have kept (insert pet capability here) if we'd been as good at the bull**** as the Army/Navy/Air Force"

10th Jun 2014, 15:31
Journos are made very welcome in the Wardroom.
Word to the wise: 'Beware Naval officers bearing drinks!' :E

10th Jun 2014, 16:03
No, the RN has a very poor PR machine.

We are actually much better than anyone realises:}

27th Jun 2014, 22:54
'Beware Naval officers bearing drinks!'
Very true, It was on HMS Itchen's commissioning, as a young lad brought along by the Gurkha Band, that I was convinced by a Steely, Bearded God in Dark Blue Barathea, that a life in Bettys Grey funnel line was for me! THAT was PR in the day, get them young with tales (lies) of derring-do, busty maidens in exotic ports and the opportunity to blow siht up.

However, the world has moved on.

Betty's Grey funnel line has been cut so much that we would lose the Cod war, let alone the new Cold war brewing.
Betty's camping service, Similar. (change Cod war with any other similar pointless conflict)

However, all is not lost.
Betty's flying circus is still preforming as the bastion of defence against all bad people, be they Russkii's, Germans, Klingons, Romulans etc.

Why do they have this 'rep' amongst the masses? Is it posters of a rock ape, sorry RAF rgt, looking butch? A loader looking....travelled.....?
They have You-tube and the Dead Sparrows.
panem et circenses, to keep the Mob happy.

27th Jun 2014, 23:00
Cathay Brat you really are a pillock aren't you.

27th Jun 2014, 23:37
I don't suppose the Army really give a toss about PR.

Though I did have to laugh when an FOI request (I believe by a newspaper) asked for the expenses claimed by then-CGS Gen Sir Richard Dannatt. The PR machine did an excellent job of pointing out that CGS had organized a BBQ for over 100 people, the makings for which were bought at Lidl.

Still, I can't remember much PR, either positive or negative about the Army.

28th Jun 2014, 06:23

Oh true, Sir, very true! :hmm:

Al R
28th Jun 2014, 06:59
One for Cathay Brat this morning I think.


Out Of Trim
28th Jun 2014, 15:20
Never ever over imbibe and PPRuNe! Whilst watching Military Bands on you tube and then spout drivel! :*