View Full Version : How hard is it to talk inside airplane? i have chronic hoarseness

8th Jun 2014, 17:35
Hi guys,

I have always aspired to become a pilot. However, I also have chronic hoarseness, which makes talking above a conversational tone kind of hard.

How hard is it to talk inside a plane? I know the decibel levels inside of a cockpit are like 85 decibels, but the frequency of the sound makes a difference as well. Can you speak in a normal quiet tone and be heard easily?

Sorry for asking, it's been a while since I've been inside an aircraft, and I forgot how loud it is exactly.

8th Jun 2014, 21:17
It depends a lot on the airplane. Some are so loud that you need to wear a headset and talk on interphone. In some the noise level is very low and normal conversation is easy.

8th Jun 2014, 21:37
I suggest you go and see an ENT surgeon and find out why you are hoarse. Many causes are treatable, but even if not you may find a problem with your medical so you may as well sort it out before committing money to aviation.

The noise is irrelevant IMHO. You will either be communicating over an intercom or the cockpit will allow communication at a normal volume. If you are too hoarse to communicate you really need professional advice.

Good luck

10th Jun 2014, 22:55
Who has told you that you have chronic hoarseness ?