View Full Version : In need of advice

3rd Jun 2014, 13:46
Hello everyone,

My name is Newton and I am in need of some advice from people in the field in the US. I am a Brazilian-US national current residing in Brazil due to family health reasons.

Here in Brazil I've got my CPL, MNTE, MULTI ENGINE, Instructor's ratings and I've got experience flying the C90 as well. I'm also expecting my first son in september. With all that said I am thinking of moving back to the US within an year or two, but I still have low hours to get into an airline job in the US, obviously I'll get all my licenses validated to their equivalents in the US.

How's the market for pilots with low hours in the US currently? What are the options for folks with low hours besides being a flight instructor? I've been thinking into getting a job in an airline here to build my hours before making the move back to the US, but the economy and jobs here are going down and I don't see an improvement in the upcoming years.

What would you guys do in my place?

Thank you in advance.

13th Jun 2014, 02:55
It's tough if you have low hours. There is a lot of competition here. Corporate is tough to...BUT...the one ace up the sleeve is the ol' "who you know". I know 250 hour cessna pilots get a gig flying Gulfstreams because of who they know. If I were you, I'd use any other skills I have and get in the aviation biz in the US. That could be in the office of a corperate operation, airport management, anywhere where you have exposure to the operators. Treat them well and you'd be surprised about the doors that open up for you. Do you speak multiple languages? obviously you do, so everage that. Swallow your pride and teach on the side. You just might meet some rich guy who has a Citation and needs a pilot.

Think outside the box. Leverage your skills for a job close to the action. Shake hands and expand your network. You never know, you might find a non-flying job you love too.

4th Jan 2015, 17:37
My son got a great jet job a few months ago, was flying a 206. A friend got him on as a jet pilot and they paid the type for him to boot.