View Full Version : Mirabel CYMX Pax terminal to be Demolished

4th May 2014, 10:43
I have just heard that the controversial airport terminal of the 'white-elephant' airport that is Montreal Mirabel will be demolished. It is a sad end to what was meant to be a very large airport and was once the worlds largest airport based on land mass. Although it will continue to handle the Bombardier traffic and some GA, the terminal, which featured in the movie The Terminal (with Tom Hanks) will soon be no more.

I would quite like to visit before it goes as I've always had an interest in the place. Does anyone know if there will be any farewell tours of the place? I'm quite sure there will be a lot of people happy to see it go for example those villages demolished for the airport, but it's a sad end to a long and drawn out story.

Mirabel?s passenger terminal to be razed (http://www.montrealgazette.com/business/Mirabel+passenger+terminal+razed/9797863/story.html)

4th May 2014, 19:47
It's probably unlikely, as in at least one of the announcements I read regarding this, some of the reasons cited for its demolition, in addition to it being constructed around technology which was passing out of use 40 years ago when the terminal was conceived, is the extensive use of asbestos in the fabric of the building and that some of it is now apparently exposed due to a combination of lack of maintenance in some areas & lower construction standards at the time for others.

I doubt that any public authority (or more particularly, their public liability insurer) is going to look favourably on Joe Public wandering around a potentially asbestos contaminated on organised tours.
